This message is from: "Frederick J. \(Fred\) Pack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2000 12:43 AM
Subject: Trend Virus Report

             V I R U S  R E P O R T

   (by the Trend Micro US Virus Research Group)
Date: 05.03.2000                      Issue: May/01

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If you're a corporate user and want to assess your virus protection, check
out Trend's new Virus Risk Assessment website at:

Issue Preview:

   1. PE_CIH (One week after its destructive payload)
   2. 10 Most Prevalent In-the-Wild Malware Surveyed by Trend US.
   3. Top 10 Viruses Trend US Customers are Most Concerned About.
   4. TROJ_MUIE (New Backdoor Trojan reported In-The-Wild)


1.  PE_CIH (One week after its destructive payload)
PE_CIH was one of the most damaging viruses in 1999 and many people expected
it to be among the most damaging viruses in 2000. Fortunately, the damage
caused by PE_CIH on April 26th of this year was not as bad as expected.
Only very few customers reported data loss and the overall number of
affected systems was less than 20,000 world-wide (compared to over 300,000
in 1999).
While this number suggests that the number of infected PE_CIH systems has
gone down dramatically, PE_CIH still remains a TOP 10 virus. Based on a
statistic gathered within the last 7 days, Trend Micro received over 330
reports of infected systems.
To avoid future PE_CIH damage, please scan your system with Trend's latest
pattern file or with Trend's free online scanner Housecall:

2. 10 Most Prevalent In-The-Wild Malware Surveyed by Trend US
              (week of: 04/24/2000 to 04/30/2000)
   2.  TROJ_SKA
   8.  W97M_PANTHER
   9.  PE_CIH
  10.  TROJ_SUB7GOLD.21

Trend Micro also offers the first real-time World Virus Tracking Center,
which shows the regional distribution of viruses worldwide during the past
24 hours, past 7 days and past 30 days.
The World Virus Tracking Center can be accessed at:

3.  Top 10 Viruses Trend US Customers are Most Concerned About
                (where systems were not infected)
   2.  PE_CIH
   4.  BAT_CHODE911
   5.  Internet Flower Hoax
   6.  It takes guts to say Jesus Hoax
   7.  TROJ_SKA
   8.  BRAIN
   9.  W97M_THUS
  10.  PE_FUNLOVE.4099

4.  TROJ_MUIE (New Backdoor Trojan reported In-The-Wild)
TROJ_MUIE (aka Backdoor.EP) is a new remote control backdoor trojan, based
on an earlier version of TROJ_SUBSEVEN. TROJ_MUIE allows a hacker to access
your system and upload, run, download, or modify files.
Once TROJ_MUIE is executed, it drops two files and then modifies the Windows
system registry, WIN.INI, and SYSTEM.INI. This ensures that the Trojan is
run whenever the system is rebooted.
Since TROJ_MUIE has been reported in-the-wild, we advise all our users to be
cautious about running files they download from newsgroups and other
suspicious Internet sources (including email, IRC channels, and other
untrustworthy websites).

If you think that you might have a virus or Trojan, please email it to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for our team of virus doctors to review.  This
is a free service provided by Trend Micro.

For additional information about TROJ_MUIE, please refer to our website at:

TROJ_MUIE is detected with Trend pattern file # 690 and above.

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Report? Forward this email and direct them to click on URL to subscribe:

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