This message is from: "Ursula & Brian Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

            Dear List from Brian Jensen;
                    I rather thought that this analogy of the highway may be
taken in a different way. What it is to give a visual picture of---is that
all of the highway is fine----------just going off into the ditches on
either side can cause problems or change the breed. This analogy has been
used by Bob Von Bonn; Chief Fjord Inspector of Holland many times over the
past years, and I thought it would provide a helpful prospective to those
discussing breed type.
                  In regards to Carol Rivores comments on advertising which
I believe is helpful------------I find that Fjord owners and breeders
getting out there and competing in Open Shows against all the other breeds
speaks more loudly than just advertising. It is one thing to talk about
doing it-----------but it is real proof in the pudding to read and see Fjord
owners and breeders out there really making it happen. Just picture other
breed owners standing around watching the Fjords outdrive their stock. The
last Fjord Herald is a case in point for the wonderful work some of our
members are doing in the Driving sector. After many years of hard work and
talking Fjord owners and breeders are really starting to come on the Driving
scene in a big way. My most sincere congratulations and kudos to those of
you who have worked so hard in the Open Shows to demonstrate what the breed
can do.
          A special thankyou to Vivian Creigh and Pat Wolfe for their
leadership in Driving and promoting the Fjord Horse.
Ursula & Brian Jensen
Trinity Fjords
Box 1032
Lumby BC, V0E 2G0
Canada 250-547-6303

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