This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi - I'm a 13.2 hand, brown dun tank, who turned 11 yrs this month.  I  am 
trained to ride, though I look like I should be plowing someone's  fields.  I 
have been in a few shows - and even won some ribbons, but that  was awhile ago. 
I am healthy and up to date on everything - but I'm tired  of being a pasture 
ornament - well maybe my mom is more tired of it then  me.  I use to trail 
ride almost everyday....and was real good at it.   I was the horse the visitors 
always got to ride, and the beginners had walk  trot lessons on in the ring.  
My owner has not used me in some years....and  I have gotten very rusty, and 
kind of spooky about things now.  She doesn't  like seeing me get this way, and 
would REALLY like to find me a new home where  I'll be used more and some 
place I'll like too.  I'm still pretty good in a  ring, but out in the big 
I'm a Nervous Nelly.  I don't think she's  asking too much for me ($2,000)  so 
if you have the time, and experience to  work with me, I'm a GREAT friend!
Let my mom know if you'd like some pictures.  Here's her email: 
Hope we get to meet soon,
H.D. Sebastian
Central Maine

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