Re[2]: Freedom Fly drops

2002-04-20 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sam  Sue--

Friday, April 19, 2002, you wrote:

 I used Freedom last year... I have heard that Omaha Vaccine Company
 had the cheapest prices on the 6 pack but I haven't checked it out

  Just got a new Omaha Vaccine catalog today. The price on the 6-pack
  is $32.99, the 4 week is $16.49. I also notice that they're selling
  a similar new product from Farnam for $9.75 for a 3-pack. This stuff
  has a lower concentration of permethrin, but more volume so you
  apply to more of the horse, i.e. along the entire top line in
  addition to the other spots. It's also supposed to last two weeks.

Steve McIlree -- Pferd  Skipper -- Omaha, NE/Las Cruces, NM, USA
 The air of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears. --Arabian proverb

Re: Freedom Fly drops

2002-04-19 Thread Sam Sue Banks
This message is from: Sam  Sue Banks [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I used Freedom last year, and it helped a lot here in bug land (swamps,
humidity, trees) but I also had to use a fly spray. I used much less fly
spray, and my horses were more comfortable. I have heard that Omaha Vaccine
Company had the cheapest prices on the 6 pack but I haven't checked it out
yet. The effectiveness does decrease with washing and sweating, but its
still better than not using it.

In talking with the company via their information telephone line last year,
I asked about using fly sprays with the product, and they said it was OK,
and recommend permethrin based sprays. I was concerned about the additive
effect, but they again said they had no problems. I use Absorbine
Ultrashield, permethrin water based spray, because it lasts, and is safe to
use with my synthetic harness (some chemicals are not).

To apply the Freedom, I use an old 12 cc syringe, and find I do better with
it for application. My horses seemed to move away from the cut edge of the
applicator when it touched (yes, I have a primadona sensitive Fjord).

Sue Banks and Lilly the primadona (she's so good she's allowed to be one) in
hot buggy Virginia.

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Re: Freedom Fly Drops

2002-04-18 Thread curt421
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Carol J. Makosky wrote:
 Did anyone use the Freedom Fly repellent drops
 last season and, if so, what did you think of

Yes, we used the Freedom Fly repellent drops most of last summer. We
started with our gourmet fly dinner Fjord, Tobyn. The flies are
really attracted to him. We have tried all the home remedies
including garlic, which he likes a lot. The repellent drops worked on
him pretty much the way it says it does on the box. In other words,
the company states that the drops work better after each application.
The drops really started working after the second application. What we
found with these drops was that it did not keep all the flies and
mosquitoes off the horses. We kept applying a light coating of fly
spray about once a day. (This may be a drug interaction problem, but
we did not see any reactions.) We started using the drops on the rest
of the herd shortly after we saw that they were helping Tobyn. We
stopped using the drops sometime in the fall.

The horses did not have any reactions to the drops, but since the
drops are oily, dirt is attracted to the application points. This is a
little bit of a problem if you like spotless horses. As far as we
could tell, none of the horses licked the application points on
themselves or their buddies.

Overall, I think the Freedom Fly repellent drops work to reduce the
number of flies on the horses, but did not keep them all away. We have
to be concerned around here with mosquitoes because of the West Nile
Virus, so we are a little reluctant to stop using the spray products.
Even though we did use both the drops and sprays last summer, I'm not
sure it is safe. Has anyone received any advice on using the drops and
sprays at the same time? Since we just went from winter to summer in
the last two days, we have not yet started using the drops on the
horses this season. We will have to make a decision soon. By the way,
I think the drops are too expensive.

Curt Pierce
Bristow, VA
The Fjords say that it is too hot to do anything but eat!

Freedom fly drops

2002-04-16 Thread Carol J. Makosky
This message is from: Carol J. Makosky [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi List,
Did anyone use the Freedom Fly repellent drops last season and, if so,
what did you think of them?  Here in N. WI, we had about 1 wk of spring
and now it is way too bloomin hot too soon.  But I did enjoy my first
trail ride since Nov. and am happy to see that the trail is open since
the big tornado came through last June.  The ride yesterday woke up some
new muscles and sore areas.  If you know what I mean.  LOL  Today I
hooked Heidi to my new marathon vehicle and got brave enough to go
beyond the driveway.  Heidi performed very nice, but she needs to get in
much better condition for the slight hills we have here.  She could lose
some lbs. too.  It is so nice to be looking down on her back and see
beyond instead of at her butt.  I'm also above all the hair she sheds as
she goes down the road.  I hope everyone is enjoying our season and keep
on Fjording.

Built FJORD tough
Carol M.
On Golden Pond
Northern Wisconsin