This message is from: Curt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-----Forwarded Message-----
Sent: Aug 31, 2005 5:52 PM

Shelter and Vet Services Needed for Hurricane Katrina's Equine Refugees
Place Your Facility on the USEF Hurricane Equine Relief List

(Lexington, KY) - As Americans view the newscasts of the devastation caused by 
Hurricane Katrina it is clear that both humans and animals require immediate 
emergency relief from not only official agencies but from the generosity of 

If you have a facility or pasture which you can offer to house refugee horses 
and ponies, victims of Hurricane Katrina, please email your name, address, 
phone number and email address to: [EMAIL PROTECTED], or at 859-225-6993, 
(please email if at all possible as we expect a heavy load of calls.) If you 
can volunteer veterinary services please submit your contact information.  The 
USEF is posting a listing by state of these facilities and services for horses 
and ponies on our website.  The list will be accessed by going to, on the right side of the homepage click on Hurricane 
Katrina Equine Relief.  It is expected to be operational by tonight, August 

We urge the participation of anyone who has the space, licensed veterinary 
expertise and tenderness of heart to help these equine refugees.

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