This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 6/5/05 12:54:05 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> " Are those DONKEYS ? " one of them sweetly ( and loudly ) asked her 
> buddys as they snarfed up most of the Snickers in the bowl. Of course this 
> brought 
> them to laughing and high fives all around until one of them spotted the 
> video 
> tape running on my other table.....of GALE WARE and DUSTY running a reining 
> pattern and doing world class spins ect. 
>   " WHO's THAT ???? " as their smart @&^ mouths dropped open. 
>   " Well ladies, since you apparently dont speak much ENGLISH, only WESTERN 
> <g> ,that would be one of our Fjord breeders riding her Stallion and doing 
> some Cowboy dressage. " 
>     " Thats a STALLION ? " Where does she live ? How old is he ? How did 
> she train him like that ? on and on, and on.....anyway, the little make-up 
> QUEEN's left my booth about 20 min. later with a new-found respect of my 
> donkeys. 
>     Not sure if my mood will hold tomorrow, but Im betting they will be 
> back to watch more video. 
>  Lisa,
> I LOVE it when that happens!!  Dusty has opened the eyes of a lot of folks 
> like that.  Out of curiosity, what tape were you showing?
> Here's proof that there really is a God - if they did snarf up all of your 
> Snickers, know that by next week they all should have pimples on their faces 
> and will need even more of that make-up to cover them up!  LOL!!
> Gayle Ware
> Field of Dreams
> Eugene, OR

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