Re: Handicapped Award

2000-12-10 Thread Jonigriffn
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Pam & Dave:  Congratulations on the award for "Elska".  I have recently 
entered my 10y/o gelding, "Jock" in a therapeutic riding program also.  The 
program had purchased a Hafflinger to use for riding and driving, but this 
horse has not been very cooperative, so, they were thrilled to have my horse 
to use.  They do have another Fjord that rides and drives, so they know how 
well the Fjords work in such programs.  I have been riding Jock for the 7yrs 
I have had him, and have never trained him to drive until now.  Our first 
lesson last week went very well.  The instructor, Sharon Makurat, said Jock 
will be great for driving, as he is very kind and forgiving.  The volunteers 
all tell me what a pleasure it is to work with Jock.  I am so proud of how 
well Jock has turned out, as I'm sure you are of Elska.  Such a wonderful 
breed we have the privilege of owning!  Joni in S.E. Wisconsin where the 
temperature is plunging from 30 down to single digits tonight and we have 
from 4-8 inches of snow depending on where you are.  Had a nice ride in the 
snow today ;-)

Re: Handicapped Award

2000-11-30 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 11/29/00 7:24:52 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< We were invited to join the evening because Elska was given their
 "Therapeutic Horse of the Year, 2000" award. >>

This is wonderful!  Please give Elska a carrot from me, for a job well done!


Re: Handicapped Award

2000-11-30 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dave you are very humble about your mare, Elska. Sounds like she really did
a splendid job and has that innate sense (mostly mares I think) of "caring"
for her rider.  Congratulations.   Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Handicapped Award

2000-11-30 Thread Dave McWethy
This message is from: " Dave McWethy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Pam and I returned tonight from the Pony Farm annual volunteer banquet.  We
were invited not because we are volunteers in their therapeutic riding
program, but because Pam's mare Elska has been in the program.

Pony Farm is one of the veteran programs of this sort, and has been playing
a role in helping new instructors get certified.  This February they host a
national conference on Horses and Healing (see )

Last summer, knowing they were short of horses for their summer camp, Pam
loaned them Elska.  They had never had a Fjord there before, and knew them
only to be pushy and difficult.  We were hoping to change this perception.
Well, she did well in summer camp, and then in the fall, she was included in
the more select bunch of horses that are used in the therapeutic program.
As time went on, she stood out as being especially good for the task.  She
did both riding and driving.

We were invited to join the evening because Elska was given their
"Therapeutic Horse of the Year, 2000" award.

She has definitely won some hearts there, represented her breed with
distinction, and served in some very important work.