This message is from: Carol Boehm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Barbara: I have not heard hide nor hair of you since the 25 Anniversary show in Winona Minnesota, if you are the same Barbara. Think you got to the point fast enough? Ha Ha. Anyway my husband Jim and I took two of the fillies I had kept from my brothers stock and took them to Moses Lake to get evaluated. Since I don't know squat about what the judges want to see in this breed and was only going on my own gut instinct. Damned if they both didn't get blue ribbons with scores of 80 and 81. The judges loved their neck and head set, ecspecially the oldest mare and said they had not seen necks this good for quite sometime. Could of knocked me over with a feather any way so now I know that I am at least on the right track with the filly I have of Lori Albrough, the one I bought from Peggy Spear and the two fillies I already have should hopefully be able to run a decent breeding program. I heard through the grape vine that you organized a Norwegian Fjord fun day in Alberta? Anyway contact me when you get back from Libby and let me know how it went. Would be great to hear from you.
Carol Boehm
Red Wing Acres
Norwegian Fjords
Enderby, B.C.

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