This message is from: Larson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Often, when I'm heading to the barn, Winnie will cock her head to one side, 
curl her lip and bat an eye or two.  
Well, since I know she wants the carrot hidden in my pocket, it's stimulus 
response, right?  Not a true 
smile.  Except maybe for the day I spent hours grooming her to a total spit 
polish.  I, however. was filthy from 
head to toe and spitting hair out of my mouth.  Heading for the house, I heard 
a chain rattle.  I turned just in time 
to watch my perfectly clean horse let herself out of the stall, walk into the 
arena and roll in the last mud puddle 
of the season.  Then, she cocked her head to one side and curled her lip.  I 
could have sworn I saw her sides 
shaking in mirth.

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