This message is from: "Ruth Bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Changed servers recently and have a new email address...


and have a new website link also...

I have had the darnedest time reconnecting with the list... tried everything I
could possibly think of! Then, as a last resort, I read the directions and
worked like a charm. =))

Took in two horsy events in the past two weeks, the International Fjord horse
show in Libby, and the Draft Horse Show in Sandpoint, ID (this weekend).

Sad to say the attendance was waaaay down for both affairs ...what with the
fuel crunch, hoof & mouth embargo, and the gulf coast getting stomped.
Condolences to all affected... possibly we, every one of us, will be touched
in some measure by such catastrophic immensity.


Ruthie, nw mt, US

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