This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I was contacted by a member in Indiana regarding The Indiana Horse Council. They were looking for someone to present a Fjord stallion on their Stallion Row during the Indiana Horse Fair, April 4th, 5th & 6th 2008. In Indianapolis. For more information you can contact me privately.

On another note:

I still have that little weaned colt for sale for Bob Long, and can't imagine why he hasn't been snatched up yet.

"LVG Solvar" has the bloodlines of 14 Elite's, 19 lkl*, 2 lavk, 3 ster, 1 perferente and 1 model prestatie.

He is by Kastanjegardens Fernando - from Denmark (twice Fjordhorse of the year) - and was 2nd overall in the 2000 stallion test. He was evaluated three years in a row with a 9 score in general impression. Kastanjegardens full sister was the high scored 3 year old mare 2001 and his dam Julie Halsnaes was high scored mare overall and earned her Elite. He carries a Medallion of Quality through the NFHR.

There is allot of Halsnaes bloodline in this colt and it could be noted Rei Halsnaes was the first horse Imported TO Norway, apparently the Mother country thought so highly of this horse.

"LVG Solvar's" bottom of his top side carries the rare bloodline of Plutonikk, by Pluto - the sire of the Modellon lineage)

"LVG Solvar's" dam - " Sari "- H-97-0362 H-K -1335-M S2 imported from Holland - she carries a Medallion of Quality through the NFHR - known for her very quiet disposition, she rides, drive - team and single - her sire is Manus, known for his movement and by Havstad (deceased) which left only two intact sons, Thorvald (the 2nd highest scored stallion in North America) and one in Germany.

When "Solvar's" full brother "PCF Vidar" (currently owned by Neil and Ruth Sorum - and also hold a Medallion of Quality) was sold from Alan Merrill I put together an information sheet on these bloodlines- and figured out that he carried the combination of Norway, Holland and Denmark all in one great little package.

I have been working allot with this young fellow, everyday - twice a day since he came to me.

He is totally halter broke, leads like a heeling dog.
Totally weaned form the horse world and into the human world
Cross ties, post ties with out pawing or fret.
Baths (and loves it)
Clips without twitch, ears, nose
Picks up feet and stands for farrier
Led over tarps, wood piles, ditches and piles of sand and gravel.
Loads into two types of trailers - stock and my slant load with just a "cluck" I've led him around everything on our farm - around cows, calves (and even INTO the calf barn). He's great around tractors, haybinds, cars, trucks, 4-wheelers, motorcycles, cats jumping down from the hay loft, dogs, and my radio with WGN talk show blasting at him all day long.
I've even had him in my barn office -
He is stalled every night and turned out with my old gelding during the day and comes running when I call him.
He does not bite or nip and slips his head into the halter.
If I keep him much longer he'll have the job of secretary/book keeper - as I need one.

Along time ago I said with the resources we have here in North America we have been importing from Europe for so long, we now have the best of the best from "over there"...... right here. No one could possibly debate his quality based on parentage - it is a culmination of it all and done so in North America.

And to add to his paper proof, he is well mannered and as I got thru all the hard, tedious stuff already. The time consuming, often frustrating work is all done for his age.

Conformation wise he is good. Good strait legs, very pretty headed, neck ties in high and well set - body balanced and proportioned, moves light and bright and correct, brown dun with good marking coming through. He is "sport" in type.

He will definitely put ribbons on your wall. Lets get this little fellow moved and into a good breeding program, contact me privately for more information and pictures. He is located in northwestern Illinois.

AND LASTLY - if Robin does get that video of the Blue Earth show up on You Tube - I highly suggest those of you with situations regarding your shows out west and other places to click on and look at it. It just might put showing horses in perspective and why the MWFHC show has grown throught it's 22 years of exhistance.

Thank you
Pat Holland

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