This message is from: "Arthur Rivoire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia -

I've just returned from two wonderful weeks down south enjoying
sunshine, flowers, and driving Fjordhorses.  This trip has
become something of an annual treat for me.  I get to visit with
customers who've become dear friends, and drive their lovely Fjords.  What
could be nicer than renewing friendships, both human and equine.

Claudia Gallup from NC met me at the airport with  news that we'd been
invited by Barbie Black to a cocktail party given by her vet in his barn.  -
A great start for the vacation.  We met nice people, many of
them dedicated drivers, ate some super food, and were
entertained by a bluegrass band.  --  After an hour or so, the three of us
went back to the Pinecrest Inn for a dinner celebrating Barbie's 60th

Claudia posts to the Digest now and then.  She's the owner of the exquisite
mare, Rosan, a mare we imported as a yearling from Holland.  Rosan suits
Claudia to a "T" as both of them are petite and very pretty.  Claudia and
Rosan are training now, and will
be competing  in a few weeks at the elegant Pinehurst Classic in NC.

Barbara Black is the owner of three Fjords, including another of the
yearlings we imported from Holland, the great Ohlsen-Junior daughter,
Trientje.  Barbie calls her
"Trinket", and Trinket is now 6 years old.  --  Barbara is a complete
horsewoman down to the marrow of her bone.  She's been steeped in horses all
her life --  Everything from Pony Club as a child, to fox hunting, and now
driving. - This lady has all the credentials.  She's a past president of the
American Driving Society, and has been twice Chef d'Equipe for the U.S.
4-In-Hand World Championship teams.  --  Today, she runs almost
single-handedly a very busy training and lesson barn.  She continues to
compete, and to host clinics at her farm.  --  Along with her horses, all of
which are well-behaved, Barbie  has about 20 dogs of various breeds --- 
also beautifully behaved.  Hard to believe, but true!

Arriving on Saturday, Claudia and I had lessons with Barbie on Sunday and
Monday.  On Tuesday, the three of us headed south to Atlanta to visit Mike
and Cindy Bickman, the owners of three super Fjords from Beaver Dam
Farm.  --  The imported mares, Tanja and Silaika, and the gelding Kastar,
one of our consignment horses.

The Bickmans are a wonderful story. --- Cindy was a dressage rider married
to a non-horsey  husband; that is, until they took a trip to Norway and Mike
saw Fjords.  He decided that if he were ever to have a relationship with any
horses, this was the breed.  -- The next step was a trip to Beaver Dam Farm
for our Nova Scotia Beginner Driving Vacations.  --  Arthur took Mike in
hand and taught him to drive using  Arthur's old mare, Tessa.  Mike did as
well as could be expected, but he really was starting from zero.
However, on that trip, Cindy and Mike purchased two-year-old Tanja, a Gjest
granddaughter, and 3 yr. old Silaika, one of our imported mares.  --  Kastar
came a few months later.  -  The Bickmans were committed.

Last Spring we made our first trip to the beautiful Bickman farm, and this
time, Mike took Arthur in hand driving him  all around the farm in perfect
confidence with Silaika in a snaffle bit.  ----  This Spring there were even
bigger, more impressive changes in Mike which all of us noticed.

 I had the pleasure of driving Tanja and despite the fact that she hadn't
been driven in a year (Cindy's riding her), she was incredibly good and fun
to drive --  Super forward with a lot of power, but well-behaved.  Mike had
several lessons with Silaika, and we were all impressed at his new skill and
At the Bickman Farm, all of us had lessons from Barbie with Tanja and
Silaika.  The only downside was the weather which was cold, something this
Nova Scotian didn't expect in Georgia.  We piled on all the clothes we
brought and were still shivering.

Cindy's dressage interest has resulted in their farm hosting clinics with
all the big dressage names, including Betsy Steiner.  --  Cindy gave me a
beautiful book on Pilates for dressage riders, autographed by Betsy.
Something I'll proudly cherish.  -   Cindy's main occupation is the owner of
a renowned gym which teaches able-bodied and handicapped people.  This gym
has produced many winning gymnastic teams, and each year Cindy travels
around the world with her teams -  China, South America, Europe,
Scandinavia, etc.  --  One night, before dinner, Mike took us to the gym for
a special presentation by the handicapped gymnasts.  It was
heart-wrenchingly wonderful.  Our faces were wet with tears of joy.  --  One
of the gymnasts, a woman of 51, took a liking to Barbie, and before she did
her routine, she cried . . . "This one's for you, Barbie!"  That brought
down the house!

After 3 days in Atlanta, we headed back to SC.  Claudia stayed one more day
so the two of us could  have another lesson with Barbie, then she headed
home.  --  On Sunday, I went with Barbie to Aiken, SC for a Lisa Singer
Clinic.  Barbie was driving in the clinic, and I audited.  --  Lisa has a
great microphone system so that auditors can hear every word she says.  -- 
If any of you ever have the opportunity to take lessons from Lisa, I highly
recommend it.  --  She's really terrific!  I watched 8 lessons, and came
away with a lot of new knowledge and confirmation of things I'd learned in
the past.  -- 

While in Aiken, I stayed with dear friends, Mel and Joanne Goble, owners of
BDF Jason, (the foxhunting Fjord), and the 4 yr. old BDF Ranstein (Gjest x
Riena).  It was delightful being with Mel and Joanne.  They moved to Aiken
from Maine a few years ago, and are thoroughly integrated into the Aiken
driving scene.  Mel is driving his own horses, and training horses for
others all day, and Joanne is organizing shows and clinics.  What a
ouple!  --  I got to drive Ran, and he's a pistol!  Just like his mother,
Riena, who is now owned by the Sullivan family who showed her all over the
place last season.  Riena won Champion Mare at Woodstock, and then went on
to the Ohio Evaluation winning several blues there.  ---  Mel and Joanne
will also be at the Pinehurst Classic in NC competing BDF Jason.

After Aiken, it was back to SC and four more days of lessons with Barbie
before flying home.  While with Barbie, I drove Claudia's mare, Rosan, and
Barbie's treasured schoolhorse, Sophie (a Fjord, of course).  Sophie is
super forward and big strided, and I learned a lot with her, especially on
the cones course.

What a great time I had, and I tell you, it never would have happened if it
wasn't for the Fjordhorses.  We wouldn't know these terrific people, and we
wouldn't be doing the things we do.  --   The horses keep opening doors for
us.  I hate to sound so Pollyannaish, but it's all true.  The Fjords have
greatly enhanced our lives, and we're very grateful.

Kind Regards,  Carol Rivoire
Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II
R.R. 7
Pomquet, Nova Scotia B2G 2L4
Tel:(902) 386-2304
Fax:(902) 386-2149
Carole Rivoire, author of THE FJORDHORSE HANDBOOK,
only book in English on the Fjord breed, available from Beaver Dam Farm,
$36.95 US includes P&H

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