Re: LOGO - REPLY from committee chairman

2004-08-19 Thread BaileysFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Catherine,

The current Logo shows the team of Fjords as harness horses. It was the
thought of the BOD that we should have a logo that does not select one
particular sport. The Fjord is versatile and that the logo should reflect
just that... the uniqueness of the horse.

I do not see our logo as a team of harness horses.  When I see our logo, I 
see two distinctive and irreplaceable Norwegian Fjord Horses, working as a team 
in unison, wearing a harness of Norwegian heritage.  The fact of the Fjord 
being such an old breed speaks for itself in regard to versatility.  We have 
numerous opportunities to display photos and artwork depicting this.  
I cannot even imagine how much more unique we can get then with the logo we 
are using presently and have successfully used for the last 25 years.

I agree with Ruthie on this one, that is, if I read her post correctly.  :)  
The logo is like our standard, our flag, our family crest.  This is not 
something that just gets changed at the whim of a few BOD members.  This is 
something that requires serious thought and also, entire membership approval.  

The Norwegian Fjord IS unique.  The logo says it all.

You as members of NFHR do vote on the Bylaws and on your BOD members. You as
members are asked to jump in and run of the BOD and to help create the
future of NFHR.  Your voice is thru your BOD members.  Talk to them, run for
the BOD, volunteer for a committee.

Indeed, we do vote on the bylaws and the BOD members.  However, we do not, or 
at least I do not, expect said BOD members to make such monumental decisions 
without membership discussion and approval.  Furthermore, nor have I heard the 
BOD members ask US what we wish.and after all, it is common knowledge the 
BOD members are acting as our representatives, correct?  

If each and every vote of the BOD had to go to the membership, we would not
get one thing done. 

This has, as usual, gotten out of hand.  None of us have asked to have the 
membership vote on every single item.  Some of us are disturbed that a 
fundamental part of the registry, the logo, is being potentially replaced 
without our 
input.  Simple as that.

As for running for the BODI am surprised we do not use a nomination 
system, personally.  I do not know about other members, but trying to vote for 
best possible director is next to impossible.  We are given small blurbs about 
the person's apparent philosophies, and this is it.  Not all of us know every 
person who is a member, so how can we adequately vote for BOD members that 
are there to serve the purpose that is best for the Norwegian Fjord versus 
personal goals or some type of hidden agenda?



LOGO - REPLY from committee chairman

2004-08-19 Thread Catherine lassesen
This message is from: Catherine lassesen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Everyone

The promotions committee was given the tasks to look into the possibility of
a new logo due to the fact that we have joined up with the Association, we
are coming on our 25th anniversary and that the original logo is a very
unclear hard piece of art work that needs to be reworked.

The logo (new or old) will need to have work on it. The committee is in its
final stages in bringing to the BOD a piece of art work that is a nice
piece. This piece of art will be considered for the logo.

The current Logo shows the team of Fjords as harness horses. It was the
thought of the BOD that we should have a logo that does not select one
particular sport. The Fjord is versatile and that the logo should reflect
just that... the uniqueness of the horse.

You as members of NFHR do vote on the Bylaws and on your BOD members. You as
members are asked to jump in and run of the BOD and to help create the
future of NFHR.  Your voice is thru your BOD members.  Talk to them, run for
the BOD, volunteer for a committee.

I challenge all of you that have a view on the LOGO to run for a position on
the BOD and help run the organization.  

If each and every vote of the BOD had to go to the membership, we would not
get one thing done. Change can hurt, but change sometimes is better in the
long run.  Your BOD is trying HARD to become PROFESSIONAL and trying hard to

YOU TO SUBMIT your resume and the reasons why you want to run for the BOD to
Roger Cabic at [EMAIL PROTECTED] you may also cc any of the current BOD members
as a back up.  The deadline is coming up soon

So get OFF your chat lists and get to your computers and get your resume for

Thank you,

These are my personal views not those of the BOD.

Catherine Lassesen
BOD Member and Chairman of Promotions