Re: Libby Show and Evaluation (long-more)

2001-09-18 Thread Starfire Farm, LLC
This message is from: "Starfire Farm, LLC" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks, Mike, for your additions and corrections.  Glad to hear that you
felt that the Evaluation went so smoothly!  I had some great concerns
about how it was going to end up prior to arriving (worry-wort that I
can be.)  But once we got going, and I saw just how committed and hard
working the volunteers were, I quit worrying.  Thanks to the score sheet
runners.  Thanks to Patty Petersen, Alan and Lois Merrill and Denise
Hoopes.  Sorry I missed you on the first post.  Couldn't have done it
without you all.

As far as the Starfire team was concerned, we had a "pit crew" addition
with Susan Cargill jumping in, grooming and generally helping anywhere
she could to get horses ready for halter classes on Friday.  Once those
were over we finally got to play!  First on the agenda was hitching the
Four in Hand.  The whole time we were so busy with the Evaluation stuff,
Jeff and Lisa Pedersen were driving their Four around the show grounds
while I, longingly, looked on!  Finally, it was our turn.  Our pit crew
harnessed and hitched.  Dave McWethy came by and gave us some pointers
on harness and hitching.  Thanks, Dave.  Philllip Odden, Arne Presthus
and Dave McWethy jumped on the carriage as we drove first to the arena
(getting in the middle of Anne Appleby and Gayle Ware's freestyle
construction!)  Then out to the horse paths in the woods.  Ah
what fun!  That's what it's all about, eh Dave, Jeff, Lisa and Brian?
There is nothing like the sound of that team clopping down the road in

Speaking on Anne and Gayle, I want to echo (again) what Catherine
Lasessen said about the quality of riding and driving we saw at Libby
this year.  In addition to Anne and Gayle, Joni Morrison, who rode for
Anton Voorhoeve, was riding and schooling the Voorhoeve's young horses.
This young woman has ridden under world class Dressage instructors in
Germany, and it was obvious.  Anne let her school Wez and it was
something watching her get some very lofty and "through" tempi changes
and passage.  What a gas!  I commented to Joni about the quality of the
work she was getting from Wez, and she said that he was "very nice!"  A
tribute to Anne's skill in bringing him up through the levels of
Dressage.   It was just awesome seeing the high quality of riding and
schooling there, all in Libby, Montana at a Fjord horse show.  Hard to
imagine, but there we were.

So, with all of that going on and the Pedersen's, the Jensen's and our
Four-in-Hands, there was a lot to see at Libby this year.  Saturday's
show opened with the three Four-in-Hands and a Pair bringing in the
flags for the opening ceremonies.  Quite an impressive sight.  We
continued on with a Four-in-Hand class, then on to the various riding,
driving and fun classes that make the Libby show so popular.  I kept
hearing Jenny Callahan's name placing high in the ribbons.
Congratulations, Jenny, quite an improvement from last year.  Due to
flagging energy on our parts, the Starfire team had to scratch quite a
few classes (can you believe it, we even scratched the Log Skid, oh yea,
and guys, the GIRLS won the Log Skid again..)  I do want to
say, however that we were very proud of Sue North's and our little white
dun mare, MVF Sara.  Sue (Sandy's mother) has been participating in the
Libby show for a few years with very limitied riding and driving
experience.  She did an awesome job driving Sara in the Novice Driving
and Ladies driving classes, taking first place and third place,
respectively.  Sue, who was thrilled last year when she finally "placed"
in a driving class year, was as proud as can be of her little mare.
Everyone wanted to take Sara home with them (sorry, you'll have to go
through Sue first!)

Congratulations to all who were there, whether you showed or not,
whether you placed or not.  We had another wonderful time, with good
friends and awesome surroundings.  Thanks, again, PNFPG, for another
great time in Libby.  We have some nice photos from the show and I'll
try to get them up on our website during the next week.


Beth Beymer & Sandy North
Starfire Farm, Berthoud CO

Re: Libby Show and Evaluation (long)

2001-09-17 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 01:42 PM 9/17/2001 -0600, you wrote:

This message is from: "Starfire Farm, LLC" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

32 horses participated in the Conformation portion of the Evaluation.
Three and Under Stallions (3); Three and Under Mares (2);  Three and
Over Geldings (3);  Three and Older Stallions (11);  Three and Older
Mares (15.)

I think we had one scratch in the conformation evaluation.

Somewhere around 45 performance tests were completed the following day
(actually, it was 54 if you count the utility sections of the tests
separately) which started Thursday morning at 8:00 a.m..  If my numbers
are incorrect, you'll have to forgive me.  I participated in 12
Introductory tests with 6 horses, so my recollection of most of the day
is a total blur.

I really don't know how you did that Beth.  Then to go on for 2 more days 
of the show with just about as an aggressive schedule too.  What a woman!

Please, if my
numbers are incorrect, feel free to correct them (Mike?)

I think we actually had a few less than what you listed.  We had a few 
horses scratch some tests.  But your numbers are fairly close.

The Medallions were awarded by Mike May the following morning.  He must
have either stayed up late, or gotten up very early Friday morning to
tabulate the scores for this.  Am I right, Mike?

Actually I had them all set & ready to hand out after the last test was 
scored but we just plain ran out of time.  As a horse finished all of its 
tests I calculated the medallion it was to receive so I wasn't left with 
several hours work afterwards this time.  I would have handed them out 
right after the last test but most everyone was already on their way to 
dinner by then.

Thanks, again, to everyone involved in the success of this Evaluation.
The Libby 2001 Evaluation Committee:  Ursula Jensen, Peg Knutsen and I,
couldn't have accomplished this without the assistance of (almost)
countless people.  I'll try to name them all, but if I miss anyone, let
me know, as I'd like to include my thanks to them in a Herald article.
Thanks to Mike May, Dennis Johnson, Woody Hoopes, Photographers Kim and
Kari of Mirror KB Ranch, the Parks and Rec. coordinator Carol Ann (can't
remember her last name)


, Brian Jensen, Anne Appleby, Bob North, Frank
Ping and Doug Knutsen.

Denise Hoopes was my most able bodied assistant too.  Patty Peterson also 
helped out some the first day.  Keith Brighton & Alan Merrill both were 
helping me with the running of the score sheets too.

I would also like to thank all that helped.  Especially the ones that were 
forgotten above.  I hope I didn't miss too many.

It was a very smooth running Evaluation this time.  They seem to run better 
every time we have one.  I guess we are getting it figured out.



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497

Re: Libby Show and Evaluation (long)

2001-09-17 Thread Starfire Farm, LLC
This message is from: "Starfire Farm, LLC" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi listers,

It's been difficult for me to sit down and write in the aftermath of
9-11-01.   We were on our second leg of our two day trip home from
Libby, had just loaded the horses and were preparing to be on our way
when I caught a glimpse of the WTC on our host's television.  The first
tower was on fire, then the second plane struck.  We listened to the
events unfold in horror and disbelief as our little caravan drove home.
Each new piece of news had us wondering what would come next, and just
how bad it might become.  Our feelings of helplessness and
insignificance, I'm sure, were shared by many.  We watched as one jet
landed in Billings, MT., then saw no more planes in the sky.  It was
erie.  As someone said on a news program last night, "normal" is not
going to be the same anymore.

Thank you to everyone who has shared their words of encouragement and
news, both good and bad.  It has been especially helpful, and deeply
touching, for me to hear of the solidarity felt and displayed around the
world.  I cannot read, watch or think about the outpouring of untiy and
love for fellow human beings without becoming emotional and teary eyed.
A deep, heartfelt, thanks for your thoughts, prayers and all you are
doing.  Life, here, is slowly returning to "normal."  I, like others
have written, take comfort in mundane tasks and the warm, kind, eyes of
our horses.

I would like to echo Catherine Lassessen's well said thanks to everyone
who helped out with the Libby show, and with the driving accident in the
pleasure driving class.  In addition to the gentlemen who dragged the
runaway horse to a stop, several people came into the arena to head the
remaining horses while we waited for an ambulance.  Thanks to everyone
for your assistance and I was glad to know that the driver survived,
miraculously, with only bumps and bruises.

We participated in both the Evaluation and the PNFPG show.
Congratulations, again, to the Libby Show Committee for putting on
another wonderful show.  Due to the hard work and dedication of
wonderful Committee members and volunteers, the Evaluation came off
without a hitch. A special thanks to Dennis Johnson and Woody Hoopes,
who were there for us to provide just about anything we needed.

32 horses participated in the Conformation portion of the Evaluation.
Three and Under Stallions (3); Three and Under Mares (2);  Three and
Over Geldings (3);  Three and Older Stallions (11);  Three and Older
Mares (15.)  Wayne Hipsley and Karen Cabic were the senior evaluators.
We were also given the added pleasure of having Arne Presthus, from
Norway, complete score sheets for our horses.   Arne's scores were not
included in the final tablulation of the overall score given for each
horse, however it was nice to be able to receive a written document
giving us a Norwegian viewpoint of the quality of our horses.  In
comparing our horses' scores between Wayne's, Karen's and Arne's score
sheets, the points are not so far off.  When there were differences,
they were usually not more than one or a half point apart, which tells
me that the qualities that evaluators are looking for in a good horse
are similar, whether American or Norwegian.  After each group of horses
had been evaluated, they were brought back into the arena giving
everyone (participants and audience) the opportunity to see the horses
(within their respective sex and age group) together for comparison.
Wayne, Karen and Arne provided commentary regarding each horse, making
it an educational experience for participants and audience.  Ribbons and
score sheets were awarded at that time.  Evaluator trainees also scoring
alongside the senior evaluators were; Catherine Lasessen, Curtis Pierce
and Phillip Odden.

Somewhere around 45 performance tests were completed the following day
(actually, it was 54 if you count the utility sections of the tests
separately) which started Thursday morning at 8:00 a.m..  If my numbers
are incorrect, you'll have to forgive me.  I participated in 12
Introductory tests with 6 horses, so my recollection of most of the day
is a total blur.  I'll take this opportunity to thank our awesome "pit
crew" (Gail and Jim Russel, Sandy North, Bob and Sue North, Kathie
Hibbard, Frank and Michelle Ping) who kept the horses coming in their
required tack.  Special thanks to Jeff and Lisa Pedersen, who stepped in
to help out with harnessing, hitching and getting to me the 5 horses I
drove in the Intro Driving tests, with only one horse in between each
test.  Their efforts, along with our "pit crew" made sure that the
evaluators were not kept waiting for tack changes.  Please, if my
numbers are incorrect, feel free to correct them (Mike?)

The order of tests was as follows: Introductory Western (7 tests);
Advanced Western (3 tests);  Introductory English (14 tests);  Advanced
English (5 tests);  Utility Section of Advanced English/Western Riding
(7 tests);  Introductory Driving