This message is from: Lauren Sellars <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In my opinion Libby is an absolutely  great show.
Leave the Libby show where it is. The Nordic fest is not going to follow us to Moses lake. Great people have put years & years of blood sweat and tears into making the Libby show what it is today.
All great events  have room to improve.
Personally I may not make it to the show every year (weekends are our bread & butter or hay & oats) I am there in spirit and one day more in flesh. I am always happy to read about Libby and see the photos and dream of going again.

We are outgrowing the Libby show grounds ability to contain all the buggies in one areana or practice area. Moses Lake does have more room I strongly encourage the Moses Lake Idea of a Spring show &/or clinic combination. There is defineatly enough interest to do both. If more energy was put into promoting more events, then riping apart the one great show we have.We'd be doing a better job of promoting fjords. Our mandate is to promote the fjord horse.
Let's keep that focus in mind.
Let us be thankful for all our wonderful volunteers.
I personally want my cake and eat it to. Libby & Moses lake.
Lauren Sellars
Snowy mtn fjords

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