Maine Fjord Horse Club

2001-05-03 Thread Gumbisue
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Maine Fjord Horse Club will be demonstrating and promoting Fjords at a 
Horse Fair this weekend.  Steve Akeley will be bringing his Fjords and 
demonstrate different types of hitches.  Aimee Day will be bringing her 10 
month old gelding "Riley" to hang around and be cute.  We will be passing out 
some of the new brochures and having a raffle to gain income for our club.   
The club is gaining interest in the area and we hope will be a success.  We 
are also having a driving clinic in June.  
Sue C 


2001-01-30 Thread Gumbisue
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all,
A reminder. The first meeting of the Maine Fjord Horse Club will be
held on February 3rd in Corinth Maine. We have a lot to plan and
discuss. Anyone is welcome to join. For directions e-mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Jolstra(YoYo) and I attended a sleigh show held
in Orrington Maine this past Sunday and had a lot of fun (despite the
cold wind chill) and managed to bring home a few ribbons. We got a
second in my favorite, obstacle cones, a fourth in reinsmanship, a
third in appointments, and a first in pony pleasure. A junior girl
asked to drive him in the junior pleasure (with adult in attendance)
and she won first. There were 16 horses and sleighs in attendance. We
were the only Fjord. I had a good time and met a lot of nice folks. It
was awesome to see that many sleighs in one place.

sue  ( chronologically 50  but has never grown up)

Maine Fjord Horse Club

2000-11-03 Thread Gumbisue
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We have had a good response from people interested in our Maine Fjord Horse 
Club.  People from Rhode Island to Prince Edward Island want to join.  Just a 
note to say that the club is not just for Maine Fjord enthusiasts,  everyone 
is welcome to join.  Events suggested so far have been a ride/drive in Acadia 
State Park.  They have beautiful carriage trails there, and some clinics.  
Will keep you posted.  Visit our website at
Loved the plush Fjord :-)  have to put him on my Christmas List  
Sue and Aimee 

Maine Fjord Horse Club

2000-10-31 Thread Gumbisue
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi List,
For all of you Maine Fjord horse owners lurking out there we (Aimee and Sue) 
have started a fjord horse club for Maine Fjord owners and entuhusiasts.  
Please go to our web site at
Please give us your input.  Thanx
Aimee and Sue