This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  I guess it's again time to grumble at you folks about replying to
  messages. When you use the reply button on your E-mail program,
  usually the entire message to which you are replying is copied into
  your message, then the cursor is positioned so you can write your
  reply above or below the quoted original message. That is not the
  end of your responsibility when communicating on an E-mail list
  such as the FjordHorse List. You need to use the block delete
  features of your E-mail client and/or operating system to limit the
  size of the quoted message to only a sentence or two which establish
  the context for your reply. Recently, far too many folks are getting
  lazy and leaving the entire message quotation in their reply. This
  is a waste of bandwidth, everyone here has already read the original
  message, so one or two sentences should be enough to get the sense
  of what your reply refers to. I see too many messages here that have
  one sentence of reply and twenty lines of quoted original message.
  Please, in the future use the rule of thumb that the quoted message
  should be no longer than your reply. If your reply is just a word or
  thanks or congratulations, perhaps it would be better handled in a
  private E-mail. Thank you all for your cooperation in remedying this

  And on a separate note, let me wish a Happy Holiday Season to all!

Steve McIlree
Owner/Administrator FjordHorse List

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