This message is from: M Korose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi List
Hurrah to KMac (Re: raising the standards

).  As usual you put it right on, especially about the
carriages.  If you are just starting out, please don't
use that buggy in grandpa's barn, that gives me
shivers.  But do show in a wirewheel if you are
starting with that.  We have a wirewheel to start the
youngsters and if they are in that and we wish to go
show, we (paint it again) take it and WE WEAR HELMETS
and maybe use a bucking strap (:-0).  As the horses
move up in capability, we adjust the system (and
hats!).  I showed 3 horses in Intro driving at the VA
eval and did 2 with straw hats and 1 with a helmet,
that was the stages we were at!  

COngrats to all the participants at the Western eval,
sounded like fun.
Re: geldings at evals.  We have taken 3 with varying
results.  One has his blue ribbon/silver medallion and
of course if the most versatile guy on Earth, it was
FUN to show people his capabilities.  I don't believe
(check on this) that a confirmation score is required
to do the utility (ride/drive/draft) tests.  I
encourage you to show your geldings in the utility
tests for a GREAT experience for both of you.  (Of
course to get a medallion, I think you need
confirmation) BUt one can go to an eval for 1 or 2
utility classes and enjoy the total Fjord experience. 
Go for it

Marsha in VA

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