This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I think that a handbook is long overdue. Perhaps we don't have to go to the extent of colour printing, but if it contains a decently scanned B&W photo - great! The idea Mary presented re. publishing the individual scores, is right on, as far as I am concerned. This is the very essence of the Evaluation, and I think it will help to keep the judging more accountable, ( more on that later), and when I participated in WB Breeding shows w/ my Trakehner, the scores were posted publicly and available to all. I think it is a very good way to learn, and keep things on an even keel , all at the same time. The judging as it stands now, could use some tweaking as well, IMO. We have 2 judges in the arena, conferring all along w/ each other, and possibly swaying each others decisions one way or the other as well...I know it happens, as I have seen the x'd out numbers on the score sheets. If each judge was scoring independently of the other, and each had a scribe to assist in recording the comments as they were given,and then the scores were averaged, ( like in a dressage test), I think that would be an improvement. Then, when all the horses were brought out and ranked, and the judges wanted to make a comment about why they felt one horse was stronger as compared to another, they would have the opportunity to discuss with each other, before the participants.

I realise that this process is still in it's infancy, nothing is ever perfect, but we can only try to close the gaps...

Good thoughts and discussion tonite - keep it up!


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