Re: NFHR treasurery, advertising, etc.

1998-10-13 Thread Julia Will
This message is from: Julia Will <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>You got it.  

THANK YOU, Pamela, for jumping right up and offering to do articles on the
Fjord.  I will put your offer in the hands of the promotion committee. (New
committee assignments will be made on the next BOD call, November 4th)  In
the meantime, you can be in touch with me if you have any questions,
comments, etc.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: NFHR treasurery, advertising, etc.

1998-10-13 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 98-10-13 19:33:01 EDT, you write:

<< THANK YOU, Pamela, for jumping right up and offering to do articles on the
 Fjord.  I will put your offer in the hands of the promotion committee. >>

You're welcome .  You can see that I love to type/write, and I adore my
horses.  No better marriage than putting these two things together.  An online
friend of mine publishes the magazine "Young Equestrian".  I talked to her
briefly about an article about Fjords a couple of weeks ago.  She said
somebody had just written one and she would like me to proofread it!.  It's
not a widely circulated magazine, but there are a lot of children out there
reading it, and learning about horses.  Some of these kids could fall in love
with Fjords in the next issue, and when they are ready to buy (or their
parents ready to buy for them) their first/next horse, it could very well be a


Re: NFHR treasurery, advertising, etc.

1998-10-12 Thread Mike May
This message is from: Mike May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 06:49 PM 10/11/98 -0400, you wrote:
>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>In a message dated 98-10-11 17:46:08 EDT, you write:
><<  Also, letters and pictures from Fjord owners would readily be published
> in quite a few magazines, such as Rural Heritage and Small Farmers Journal.
>  Any volunteers? >>
>You got it.  As you know, I'm pretty new to the email list, and have had
>fjords for just a bit over a year, but I DO have a lot to say.  I'm so very
>pleased with my fjords.  Haven't had a horse I've felt as comfortable with in
>many years.  It's been on my mind a lot to write an article or two about what
>a wonderful mare Juniper is (I noticed in the back issues that Ginny
Cowles is
>on this list, THANK YOU so much for helping me pick this particular mare, and
>training her so well).  There are so many handicapped programs and I would
>like to get the word out that this is a breed that needs looking at.  Strong,
>but small enough that you can easily side walk a handicapped rider.
>and understanding.  I've got some neat pictures of Juniper and Raymond too.

Yes they do seem to excel in the handicapped programs.  I think maybe Dr.
John Crawford would step in now and do a little bit of braggin about his
mare and the handicapped program in his area.  Come on John tell everyone
about her & her rider.


Re: NFHR treasurery, advertising, etc.

1998-10-12 Thread Mike May
This message is from: Mike May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 05:43 PM 10/11/98 -0400, you wrote:
>This message is from: Julia Will <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>About the Standard, yes, it has taken years to complete.  Perhaps the Dutch
>standard could have/would have been just fine, but I have never seen a
>translation, and I know that it is not "simple" to go from Dutch to
>English, or Norwegian to English.  Some ideas are hard to translate!  But
>in any case, water under the bridge, because we HAVE a standard now.  Mike
>is working on posting it on the NFHR web page.  I can email a copy to
>anyone who requests it from me.
I have the document all formatted now.  I will put it on the web probably
today.  I was kind of wainting for the diagrams to go with it on the web
but maybe it should be there now.  I can add the graphics later I guess.
Look for it on soon.  It will be under "Fjord Standards" in
place of what is there now.

>Carol, I know you mean well and have a lot of good ideas.  But I can't look
>at the NFHR progress in the last 3 years and call it "floundering".   Yes,
>we need to keep moving onward, and we need talented, committed, energetic
>volunteers to make this keep on happening!  And I see that already
>happening right here!  
No I would call it anything but floundering.  This is still a fairly young
organization.  It has grown to be the largest Fjord Registry in the US or
Canada  We must be doing something right.

>Mike and I have both been printing many of the pertinent ideas for
>consideration by the Board.  However, it is still a good idea if someone
>wants to bring a matter before the board to put it in letter form and send
>it to a board member, as Susan Cook suggested.  It has much more weight
>that way.
In fact I have sent both Storrs Bishop & Dennis Johnson both a package of
any email to this list that I thought was of any interest to the NFHR BOD.
You wouldn't believe how much we talk here until you print them out!  It
was a stack of paper of at least an inch thick for each of them.  I have
also forwarded all of them to any of the BOD not on the list. 

As of right now all of the BOD members that have email are on the list
except for 2 of them.  One of them has just gotten setup with his own email
so he can join now to.  That only leaves 3 members that are not on the list
yet.  Not to bad, that is 2/3rds of them plus me.


Re: NFHR treasurery, advertising, etc.

1998-10-11 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 98-10-11 17:46:08 EDT, you write:

<<  Also, letters and pictures from Fjord owners would readily be published
 in quite a few magazines, such as Rural Heritage and Small Farmers Journal.
  Any volunteers? >>

You got it.  As you know, I'm pretty new to the email list, and have had
fjords for just a bit over a year, but I DO have a lot to say.  I'm so very
pleased with my fjords.  Haven't had a horse I've felt as comfortable with in
many years.  It's been on my mind a lot to write an article or two about what
a wonderful mare Juniper is (I noticed in the back issues that Ginny Cowles is
on this list, THANK YOU so much for helping me pick this particular mare, and
training her so well).  There are so many handicapped programs and I would
like to get the word out that this is a breed that needs looking at.  Strong,
but small enough that you can easily side walk a handicapped rider.  Pleasant,
and understanding.  I've got some neat pictures of Juniper and Raymond too.

Have other ideas for articles too, but this is my launching off point.


NFHR treasurery, advertising, etc.

1998-10-11 Thread Julia Will
This message is from: Julia Will <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all ~ As a member of the NFHR BOD, from time to time I try to respond to
some of the issues being discussed.  I am so pleased that so many members
are coming up with great ideas, and are willing to help implement them!

As far as $$ in the NFHR bank accounts, I am not the treasurer, but my view
after 3 years on the Board is this.  Yes, there is usually between $35,000
and $50,000 in the accounts.  I do notice that the money seems to stay at
about the same level, which tells me that we are neither gaining nor losing
ground.  There have been several "new" expenses that the BOD has approved
in the last three years, including funding for Equitana, certainly the
largest Fjord promotion yet undertaken by the NFHR, funding for a
full-time, rather than part-time registrar, and funds to pay for converting
blood typing results into DNA results.  There has also been more income
from the growing number of Fjords being registered, and new memberships.
So the new income has met the new expenses.   I feel the funds have been
managed in a prudent, cautious manner.  I don't think that $35000 is a huge
amount of money, given that the NFHR has committments to meet in the form
of publishing costs, salaries, lab fees, etc.  I personally would not be
comfortable if the funds were at $1 or less on a regular basis.  If the
NFHR were to adopt several of the recent suggestions, ie hire a promotional
person, advertise in national magazines, hire a consultant, obviously the
bank account would soon empty out.  Not to say that some of these ideas
can't be used, but I for one recommend "looking before leaping".

Promotion of the breed is certainly a valid and needed expense; in my
opinion, magazine ads do very little to promote the breed.  (Not much bang
for the buck...think about what monthly advertising in a few national
magazines at $600 to $900 a month would do to the bank balance?)  Articles
about the breed, on the other hand, can do a lot, and are free.  We have a
unique breed and as some others on the list have mentioned, what is needed
is a well-written article, with pictures, that can be offered to magazines.
  Also, letters and pictures from Fjord owners would readily be published
in quite a few magazines, such as Rural Heritage and Small Farmers Journal.
 Any volunteers?

About the Standard, yes, it has taken years to complete.  Perhaps the Dutch
standard could have/would have been just fine, but I have never seen a
translation, and I know that it is not "simple" to go from Dutch to
English, or Norwegian to English.  Some ideas are hard to translate!  But
in any case, water under the bridge, because we HAVE a standard now.  Mike
is working on posting it on the NFHR web page.  I can email a copy to
anyone who requests it from me.

Carol, I know you mean well and have a lot of good ideas.  But I can't look
at the NFHR progress in the last 3 years and call it "floundering".   Yes,
we need to keep moving onward, and we need talented, committed, energetic
volunteers to make this keep on happening!  And I see that already
happening right here!  

Mike and I have both been printing many of the pertinent ideas for
consideration by the Board.  However, it is still a good idea if someone
wants to bring a matter before the board to put it in letter form and send
it to a board member, as Susan Cook suggested.  It has much more weight
that way.

That's all for now!   [EMAIL PROTECTED]