This message is from: Dolph Courchaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Announcing a new web site

Hello all,  I havent contributed recently to the list but have been
listening in on all messages.  A number of them, related to marketing &
selling Fjords seemed to speak directly to something I have been working on
over the past two months.

I built the above site which offers web site building and hosting for Fjord

I did this for a couple reasons, one I wanted a place for our farm's web
site and two I think more breeders should have web sites, but not have to
worry about building or hosting them.  

Until now, for breeders that want to have a web site, there are really only
two options; 
1) as part of your internet service such as AOL, Geocities, etc build a site
with a set of tools provided by these companys and host it on their sites.
Usually this is free.  You have seen these types of sites.  The have long
URLs and advertisements are plastered all over them.  The building of the
sites allows for little flexibility.
2) The other option is to find a web developer and web hosting company to
build your site, register your web address (if it's available), and host the
site.  This is involves paying a lot of money for something that doesn't
make sense to the smaller type breeding operation which most of us are.

My solution, attempts to bridge this gap.   I am attempting to do option
number two, but to make it available to other breeders so that the costs can
be spread out over a number of us.  The other difference is that I am doing
the web page building myself.  I am an ex-computer programmer that is
upgrading my computer skills by learning this html/web stuff.
Unfortunately, I am not a graphic artist or marketing wiz, so the pages
might seem a bit bland in comparison to the more snazzy commercial web

Please check it out and see what you think?  Give me your comments both good
& bad.  I hope it's a service that will be useful.

Dolph Courchaine


Dolph & Brook Courchaine
Freistadt Fjords
Saline MI
don't worry both addresses route to one location 

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