new subscriber

2008-11-22 Thread Rachel Huson
This message is from: Rachel Huson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Everybody, I have just joined Fjord horse digest. To introduce myself
(Rachel) and Lily - We live in Worcestershire, UK. I have had Lily, a 13.3hh
(is this measurement universally understood?) 8 year old Fjord mare since
Easter 2008, and love her more and more each day! I originally went for a
Fjord because they seemed to be staightforward and even tempered, and I needed
a steady companion for a nutcase!. I find Lily to be those things, but also
intelligent, loving and a huge personality. I ride her out as often as I can,
usually on our own, in the Worcesteshire countryside, which as mutual trust
increases between us is enjoyable to us both. Next summer, I might venture to
some local shows which would be a first for me.
I ride her in a treeless saddle, which she likes, and quite a strong bit (a
British "Tom Thumb" - which I understand is different to an American one) as
although benign, she is very strong, and takes little or no notice of a
I have enjoyed reading the discussions on Fjord horse digest. Regards to you
all, Rachel

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hello from new subscriber

2008-07-23 Thread Rosemary Cota
This message is from: "Rosemary Cota" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello everyone,
i am a new subscriber and would like to introduce myself.  My name is
Rosemary and I live in the Berkshires in western Massachusetts and have 2
fjords. Bjoyka my mare,  is now 27.  I have had her for 21 years along with
her "baby' KIrkja ,who is now 18.  Bjoyka was originally imported from
Holland by Beaver Dam Farm.  Kirkja's sire is Gjest. My children grew up
riding these horses and Bjoyka gave numerous young riders confidence with
her steady,reliable manner. I am now thinking of finding a new home for
Kirkja where he can once again be ridden regularly.  He hasn't done much for
the last few years, although he is pretty happy with eating and hanging out
with his buddies.He is very good under saddle, but is quite forward, and
needs at least an intermediate rider with quiet hands. He does not drive, at
least not yet!
We live close to Richmond, Ma, where the Northeast Fjord Show will be held,
so if you have any interest, please email me privately.

I look forward to learning a great deal form the list.


The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

New Subscriber Introduction & Seeking a Fjord Gelding

2007-02-22 Thread Emily Wigley

This message is from: Emily Wigley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Fjord Enthusiasts,

My name is Emily Wigley, and I live on Vashon Island, Washington,  
US.  Our Fjord is enjoyed both as a family horse by our my teen  
daughter (when she wants something really obedient and different from  
her own horse) and me, and as a school horse in my riding school.  I  
teach English riding to children and adults, specializing in  
beginners.  Nothing is better than seeing a person trot or canter for  
the first time on a Fjord!  Her name is Lite Jenta, and we call her  
Buttermilk Biscuit she is a Lite Jenta, but she is such a little  
biscuit, it just fits, so we call her that too!  Biscuit is 12,  
coming 13, and is 14.1, fit as a fiddle and g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s!  But you  
all know that, she's a Fjord!  One of my favorite things about  
Biscuit is her instant read of my students - she knows who needs to  
be challenged ("ask correctly or I'll never do what you want!") or  
cared for with caution.  She is a gem of a teaching partner, and I  
adore her.  At 14.1 she is my small-horse-big-pony, and anyone can  
ride her.  I still remind myself when dismounting that she is lower  
to the ground than the other horses I ride, as I am 5'11".

One of my students is looking for a Fjord, and if you know of a nice  
one who fits the bill, please be in touch with me.  We seek a 9+ year  
old gelding with very solid training and life experience for arena  
work, trail riding and general fun.  A pleasant, unflappable horse  
who goes well in the arena and on the trail in a snaffle bit would  
have a fantastic home with this man, and will be boarded at my farm  
(lucky me!).  Please let me know if you know a Fjord who would fit;  
we are willing to travel in Washington, Oregon, and B.C and maybe  
a little farther if the horse is really right!  Negotiable for  
price.  Thank you!

I look forward to reading and learning from this list!

Emily Wigley
Fish Bowl Farm
Vashon Island, Washington

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Re: new subscriber

2004-06-27 Thread jgayle
This message is from: "jgayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Welcome Yvonne.  I am 79 and have one fjord and a large Trakehner.  Started
a bit late! I lived in Germany for three years way back when and love the
place.  Where was your home?  I find it is a "long" trip to the riding arena
so have not been riding.  These fjords are so reliable though I should get
up there.  Hope you enjoy the list.  Jean G.

"The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 46-49
Send $20 to:
PO Box 104
Montesano, WA 98563

new subscriber

2004-06-27 Thread Yvonne Hursh
This message is from: "Yvonne Hursh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Just to say, "Hello", I have on the place a Norwegian Fjord Horse
stallion, A2Z Cody, son of Leif, great disposition and topnotch
conformation and his gelding son, Arne.

I'm 75, retired last year from owning and operating a healthfood store
for 21 years. I garden, have Bluefaced Leicester sheep and Great
Pyrenees just for them: chickens, guineas, geese and ducks. I think
that's all the livestock at present.

My daughter has the three mares in Maine, now hers. I'm an hour's
drive east of Kansas City more or less, a born again christian,
musician, avid reader of Tolkien, gardening, scriptures, etc., a
spinner, knitter, and soon-to-be weaver.

I wish I had time to ride, but that would most likely give my children
heart failure. Maybe, next year I will find the time to get back into
the saddle; it would do me good. "It makes a man imperious to sit a
horse". That, I suppose, is why it was illegal in Germany till modern
times for a commoner to get astride a horse. Keep the competition
down, you know.

By the way, while in the healthfood business, a horsewoman came in
whose horse had a fatal virus. She had taken it to Missouri University
Vet. School and found there was no cure and was discussing it with me.
I told her what I had read about elderberries and that I had seen huge
bushes of them in a backyard. She went to the house and requested the
branches for her horse..and her horse was cured.

May all our cures be so simple.

Hello from new subscriber

2003-03-13 Thread Skish19
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi folks,

My name is Sara and I'm new to the Fjord horse list.  As of yet I'm not an 
owner, but have started the search for that "perfect horse".  Located in 
southern California, we currently own miniatures and a Quarter horse, and as 
well as a few llamas and pigeons.

In case anyone out there knows of one, we are in search of a very settled 
Fjord gelding or mare, 8-14 years old, good with arena work (western or 
English pleasure, no speed events or jumping), good on roads and mountain 
trails.  Driving is not necessary but is a plus.  Must be very good with kids 
(ages 3-14).  The biggest issue is that we're trying to find all that for 
$7500 or less including shipping expenses. 

If anyone has or hears of the horse I've described please let me know.  If 
emailing me directly, please state that the email is Fjord related in the 
subject area, as I delete anything I don't recognize.

Thank you,


Re: new subscriber/owner

2003-01-08 Thread John Rooker
This message is from: "John Rooker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Welcome to the Fjord List, Sher!  After meeting you and finally meeting Icemann 
in person, I know that you two will have a great time together.  

Icy's half bro', Villi says "Hey"! :)  


On 1/8/03 at 6:39 AM Sher Bechtold wrote:

>This message is from: "Sher  Bechtold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Good Morning, All!
> My name is Sher and I live in Western New York State.  At the ripe pld
>age of 52, I've puchrased my first Fjordhorse.  His name is BDF Icemann,
>he is such a joy!  We have been "bonding" since his arrival in October
>and Icy is starting to be more like one of my dogs than he is a horse.  He
>follows me all over the paddock, and would rather be with me than with his
>paddockmates, who are not Fjords, by the way.  It's fantastic to see the
>in his eyes and to have it show in his manners.

Re: new subscriber/owner

2003-01-08 Thread BaileysFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


> I have a question concerning the PMU mares.  Why couldn't individuals
> contact this "farmer" and buy a mare or mares from him outright, since time 
> is
> of the essence?  t

Actually, most of these PMU farmers do not want the general public to know 
their location if it concerns the selling of PMU mares or foals.  There has 
been so much public outcry, especially in the states, that the few times this 
has happened with him personally, it was a nightmare.  

So, when many of these farmers sell PMU stock, they either contact people who 
can buy a group, or take them to horse sales, or they have what is called 
"production sales".  This is just the way it is done.  Trust me, I would much 
prefer having the people contact him, myself, but he will not allow that.


new subscriber/owner

2003-01-08 Thread Sher Bechtold
This message is from: "Sher  Bechtold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Good Morning, All!
 My name is Sher and I live in Western New York State.  At the ripe pld
age of 52, I've puchrased my first Fjordhorse.  His name is BDF Icemann, and
he is such a joy!  We have been "bonding" since his arrival in October 2002,
and Icy is starting to be more like one of my dogs than he is a horse.  He
follows me all over the paddock, and would rather be with me than with his
paddockmates, who are not Fjords, by the way.  It's fantastic to see the trust
in his eyes and to have it show in his manners.
 I have a question concerning the PMU mares.  Why couldn't individuals
contact this "farmer" and buy a mare or mares from him outright, since time is
of the essence?  He would probably appreciate all the interest, and might
delay his shipping them to slaughter if he had enough people who wanted one or
more of them, but who had to scrape the money together for the purchase.  This
is just a question, not a flame or anything.  I never write to these forums
because some people are so sensitive,  and I always choose my words carefully.
But this thread caught my interest, and for the sake of the mares, thought
individuals could contact this guy personally. Hope no one at UEF is offended
or insulted.

new subscriber

2001-12-31 Thread Schulz
This message is from: "Schulz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Everyone:
Just a quick introduction...I am a new subscriber to the list, and live in
Harvard, MA . I own three horses and keep them here on my farm. One of the
three is a fjord. I purchased him in September, he is four years old and rides
and drives. I am mostly long-lining him now and having a wonderful time!
Nan L-S
Harvard, MA

A New Subscriber

2000-06-02 Thread Northhorse
There's a lady who is interested in buying a fjord, and I've been kind of 
helping her find the right people to connect with.  She's been trying to 
subscribe to the list for several days now, with no success.  Can you help 
her?  Her email is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for your help.  It's always nice to get new fjord enthusiasts!


New subscriber from Virginia

2000-01-04 Thread Donald & Sarah Vogeley
This message is from: "Donald & Sarah Vogeley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello. I have been asked to introduce myself as a new list member.  I live
in Charlottesville, VA and I have an interest in eventually finding a
pleasure driving Fjord.  I am a member of the James River Driving Club in
Richmond, VA which participates in many historical events that use horses &
carriages to enhance the theme of the events that we take part in.  Mostly,
I am a pleasure driver (I don't show) and taking a trip down the road with
my husband and son in our Meadowbrook is my ideal passtime (or will be in
the near future when my son is old enough).   We have three equines; an
Andalusian, a Morgan, and a Paint Pony (she's the one I drive).  We also
have two labs and a Schipperke and two cats.  That about sums it up!!!

My interest in Fjords started when a friend took me to a farm that had a
Fjord gelding there as a long standing farm resident and family member.  He
was the sweetest, cutest, and fatest pony I had ever seen!  His full neck
and beautifully kept mane really caught my eye.  After spending a little
time with him, I realized that his looks were only the icing on the cake.  I
have been hooked on this breed ever since.  I love the strength and calm
nature a Fjord has in a relatively small package.  I look forward to the
possibility of having a bumpersticker on my car that says, "Have You Driven
a Fjord Lately?".  Do they make bumperstickers like that???  I think it
would be a total hoot, especially since I drive a Chevy!

That's all for now.  Happy Y2K to all the critters and list members!

Sarah Vogeley
New Forest Farm
Charlottesville, VA

Re: New Subscriber to Fjordhorse Mailing List

1999-06-15 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Gary, Welcome to fjord country.  Lots of owners around western WA.
Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter" ]
-Original Message-
From: Thorson, Gary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Fjordhose (E-mail) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 3:05 PM
Subject: New Subscriber to Fjordhorse Mailing List

>This message is from: "Thorson, Gary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Hi,  I'm a new subscriber to the Fjordhorse Mailing List.  My name is Gary
>Thorson, and I live in Tumwater, Washington, USA.  I have two Norwegian
>Fjord horses, a 3 year old mare named Spunki, and a 2 year old gelding
>Ander.  They are full brother and sister.  I bought Spunki when she was 2
>months old, and Ander the day he was born.  Spunki is 13.2 hands, and Ander
>has caught up and is also 13.2 hands now, but he is a lot more muscular and
>I'm sure he will be bigger.  I started them both with ground work right
>the start.  After having an Appaloosa and 3 Arabians, it is such a pleasure
>to work with these smart and willing horses.  I have been ground driving
>both of them, and have started Spunki with some very light trail riding
>summer.   ...   Gary

New Subscriber to Fjordhorse Mailing List

1999-06-15 Thread Thorson, Gary
This message is from: "Thorson, Gary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi,  I'm a new subscriber to the Fjordhorse Mailing List.  My name is Gary
Thorson, and I live in Tumwater, Washington, USA.  I have two Norwegian
Fjord horses, a 3 year old mare named Spunki, and a 2 year old gelding named
Ander.  They are full brother and sister.  I bought Spunki when she was 2
months old, and Ander the day he was born.  Spunki is 13.2 hands, and Ander
has caught up and is also 13.2 hands now, but he is a lot more muscular and
I'm sure he will be bigger.  I started them both with ground work right from
the start.  After having an Appaloosa and 3 Arabians, it is such a pleasure
to work with these smart and willing horses.  I have been ground driving
both of them, and have started Spunki with some very light trail riding this
summer.   ...   Gary 

Re: New subscriber, Fences

1999-04-05 Thread FJORDFUN
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Jim and Barb Rohde. 
This is from [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Wind)
You don't say what you finances dictate in the way of just how 
much board fence you want. We built some very satisfactory fence
about ten years ago. out of salt treated landscape timbers ($3.50 each) 
for the posts (some people consider this too light and specify 4x4's), and 
culled 8ft. oak boards ($1.00 each). You will need 6x6 posts at corners 
of field and to hang gates. We bought commercial painted and galvanized
gates. The painted ones are cheaper but have to be repainted every five 
years or so. A 12 ft. gate is $60 aprox. To horses, a visual barrier is 
sufficient. Unless you have rival stallions, they are not going to be 
physically testing what you build.
The main problem is digging all those post holes and trying to keep 
lines straight when you hit rock ledges in your path. I don't know what your 
terrain is like, but ours has plenty of rocks. A couple of places we had to 
cheat by using shorter posts and setting in concrete when we couldn't get
sufficient depth. It's best to lay out what you are going to do and hire a guy
with a post hole digger on his tractor, unless you are rich in Kiboto's. We 
a lot of ours by hand.
The idea for a really sturdy fence, is in each section the top and 
board end at that post and the middle board extends to the next section. 
assuming 16ft. boards, then the next section middle ends and top and bottom
extend to next panel. If you get the picture.
Once you have it built it takes very little maintenance, unless you 
are hell
bent to have a perfect farmette and insist on painting it white (or brown)
We just let ours weather and it's very satisfactory silver gray.
Good luck and keep us posted (no pun intended)
Fjording forever,
Alex Wind (short for Alexandra; I'm female).

Re: New subscriber, Fences

1999-04-04 Thread JBonner748
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We use half-round pressure treated pine posts, and 1x8 oak boards.  it's 
important not to use pine boards, becuse pine can splinter so badly if a 
horse crashes into it.  Oak has much more strength, and spring to it.
Good luck with your fencing project!


New subscriber, Fences

1999-04-04 Thread James A. Rohde
This message is from: "James A. Rohde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We recently bought our first horse. He is a 9 month old Fjord gelding. A
We are currently boarding him with some friends. We are planning to put up
some fencing and a 3 sided shelter for our horse. My husband would like to
build wooden fencing. Can any one recommend or make suggestions regarding

Jim, Barb, Jake & Caleb Rohde
Prairie du Chien, WI

new subscriber

1999-04-04 Thread granite
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Welcome Krissy!  Judging from your email address, you must be somewhere
near to me - I'm in Franconia, NH with a fjord mare and gelding - where
are you located?  Carol Walker

Hi new subscriber! I am new 2.

1999-04-03 Thread FJORDFUN
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Fjordfolk,
To answer your ?'s about naming Fjords, I went and bought
a Norwegian/English dictionary, which is very helpful. For instance,
I named my filly "Sollys" (sunshine) but found the the Fjord 
Registry already had one of those, so I added "skur" (shower)
so her name is "Sollyskur." Now a Norwegian might laugh, if the 
sense of skur is the type you take in the morning instead of the
weather type, but who cares I like the name. If she had turned out
to be a male, I was going to call him "Svannen" (swan) for the shape 
of the neck. Etc. Etc. I have found it to be good for hours of enjoyment
just reading the words, puzzling over the pronunciations, and daydreaming 
about going to Norway someday. See for ordering such
a book. I have found them to be prompt, responsive and reliable.
I will have to get you all my profile soon. Right now I have to go 
the remaining 2 stalls, and get ready to teach a riding lesson at 10am.
Keep Fjording,
Alex Wind
Harmony Farm 
Shawsville VA

Re: new subscriber

1999-04-03 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR
This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 06:41 AM 4/3/99 -0500, you wrote:
>This message is from: "nhmacs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Does anyone have good sources for Norwegian names?

Well on the International Fjord-Net  home page -
 you will find a button for names.  There is an extensive list of names
there.  They are not all Norwegian though.  It is a Dutch site so a lot of
them are Dutch names.  Check it out though it is well worth the visit.  


Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry  
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497

new subscriber

1999-04-03 Thread nhmacs
This message is from: "nhmacs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am enjoying my new subscription to the mailing list.  We have two fjords,
soon to be three.  Johanna is due in a couple of weeks.  Grieg is now a
gelding.  I drive and ride Grieg (except that my harness broke last fall
and I need another).  Johanna, I ride mostly.  I would like to learn how to
work them.  We have an organic vegetable farm and I would love to use them
to start the soil. (I am fairly new to the world of fjords and have lots of
Does anyone have good sources for Norwegian names?

New subscriber

1998-04-22 Thread Sharon L. Falck
This message is from: Sharon L. Falck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Fjord lovers ,

I have just subscribed and am excited about the exchange of ideas and
information.  I am secretary-treasurer of the Midwest Fjord Horse Club.  We
organized in 1963 and have 138 families as members.  

The Upper Midwest Fjord Horse Show on July 28 & 29 , 1998 will be proceeded
by an NFHR sanctioned Fjord evaluation on July 26 & 27 at the Faribault
County Fair Grounds in Blue Earth, MN.  Contact me if you would like more
information .

Sharon Falck

Re: New subscriber

1998-04-22 Thread Mike May
This message is from: Mike May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 01:27 PM 4/22/98 -0500, you wrote:
>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sharon L. Falck)
>Hi Fjord lovers ,

Hi Sharon!  glad to see you are finally on the email circuit!  


Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry  
Mike May, Registrar
Webster, NY, USA (Suburb of Rochester)

 Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497
