This message is from: Karen Keith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

First thing -- I'm going to Norway to the Stallion Show!  Just had to get that
out of the way.  I'm so excited.  Meeting up with the Jensens and others.
Thanks, Brian!

Having said that, another of my keen interests is knitting, and I belong to
several knitting e-lists.  I've been working on a very special vest to take to
Norway -- it's got Fjordies on it -- and I posted a pic of the work in
progress as well as telling my knitting friends about my upcoming trip.  I
gave them the Starfire Farm website so they could compare my knitted fjord
with photos of the real thing.

One of the ladies on the knitting list is Norwegian, and she responded with
what follows.  I found it charming, and thought others would enjoy reading
"I really hope that you get some nice weather. The scenery down there is very
beautiful. I say that even though I don't have first-hand knowledge of it, the
closest I've been is Molde, but I've seen lots of pictures. I live not far
from Trondheim myself, which is a bit further north. It's funny to see those
riding pictures on the website you linked to. I picture the Fjord horse as a
work horse, but times they are a changing (as if I remember when we had work
horses...NOT!) Anyway, my great grandfather always used to have Fjord horses
and so did my grandmother's sister, she still has some, in fact. I used to
dream of one myself when I was little, but alas, the dream never came true.
After a while I sort of lost interest in horses, but two of my cousins are
very into horses. When I close my eyes I can see a Fjord horse climbing some
green steep hills with the blue fjord in the background, birds singing and
flowers swaying in the breeze. Beautiful!"
By the way, I'm going to Norway!  Did I mention that?

Karen, Am in Eng
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