Re: Northwest Horse Fair Expo

2004-03-26 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Amy, you guys are a credit to the breed. There's no end to your creativity 
and sense of adventure :-) I'm sorry I missed it.

Can you email me about the current regulations for crossing the OR border 
with a horse? I'm about to call my vet and get that all set up for the show, 
which I'm so looking forward to!

/ )_~
Brigid Wasson
SF Bay Area, CA

Northwest Horse Fair Expo

2004-03-25 Thread FjordAmy
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all:

I'm mostly recovered from the Expo now, and thought I'd let everyone know how 
it went. In short... We all had a BLAST!!

Our theme this year was Owning a Fjord is pure paradise and our decorations 
were all tropical. We even had SAND as the floor of our booth! (thanks 
Catherine, for robbing your arena!) Our stalls were all decked out in ocean 
with fish nets full of colorful sea creatures, tropical flowers and tiki 
on the fronts. Our booth had a seascape backdrop, sand for the floor, palm 
trees and a hula skirt bordered table. The floor was decked out with blowup 
puffer fish and colorful leis, to give out to the kids, filled a treasure 
at the front. All our crew (Maggie McLaughlin, Pam Adler  Chuck Weishoff, 
Shawna Smith, Catherine Lassesen, my dad Bud, Reesa, Darlene  Becky - sorry 
girls I'm a bust with last names! - and myself) wore Hawaiian shirts and leis 
the booth. (Sorry if I forgot anyone...)

We also dressed in tropical style for our demos, with tropical flowers and 
hula skirts on the horses! Maggie rode English on her mare Hannah, Shawna rode 
Petra western and trailed a packhorse (Nikki) loaded with treasures picked up 
along the beach, Pam drove her gelding Aesir to an antique buggy, Dad  I drove 
our Emily and Taffy to our wagonette, and Catherine surfed behind two 
geldings (Tor  Grabben) being ridden Roman style by Reesa - both dressed in 
outfits - to Elvis' Rock-a-Hula! Darlene, Becky and Chuck were our much 
appreciated ground crew. (I hope I didn't miss anyone...)

The Expo management once again requested us to participate in the Friday 
night Extravaganza, so Catherine and Reesa did the Roman riding and surfing 
with a little twist... Catherine was dressed as ELVIS!! The crowd loved it.

As in past years we had many people tell us that the Fjords were the 
highlight of the whole expo!! That's always nice to hear.

I'd like to again thank everyone who came and brought horses or just helped 
out. You are all greatly appreciated!! THANK YOU!!


Amy Evers
Dun Lookin' Fjords
Redmond, OR