Re: Norwegian Driving Clinic (19-20 May, near Ottawa/Cda)

2001-03-19 Thread GAIL RUSSELL
This message is from: GAIL RUSSELL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The next issue is the horse.  I suspect that both of us working with your 3
year old might overload her(?) brain.  Maybe the other horse, if that is a
possibility.  Can I do a weekend lease?

Thanks for reaching out to me.  I am recovering from the last onslaught with
Mom...returned last Thursday night at midnight...but there will be another!

I don't think I told you what sweet Jim did for me and my parents.  He and I
took a long weekend and drove to Arizona (left after work Friday, took
Monday off) where we picked up my Mom's stuff, then went to see my parents.
We were not there all that long, but he brought his saxophone and his
father's Big Band music and serenaded my parents on the sunny front porch of
the assisted living place.  The stucco overhang made for PERFECT acoustics.
It was really special.  Ken was mad at mebecause I took Mom's scooter
out of the house (that I had been locked out of...I guess because they
thought I was going to steal stuff...really burns me up).  He thought my
demented, aggressive MOm (hitting people with her canes, and escaped a
couple weeks ago) could drive around the halls of the assisted living
facility. would have been vERY hard without Jim's support.

Had a birthday party for my MOM...hired a karaoke type sing-along band that
plays in assisted living facilties.  Had them play for the
residents...trying to get her connected to the other residents...which aint
easy with my stepsister and stepfather not likeing it and always wanting to
leave the place.  Mom was so lucid the first day that she even made a feeble
effort to complain about the assisted livingbut then know, I
know you are dooing what you think is best for me.  It was a
miracle cure!  Am thinking of looking on CD-L for some minis who visit
nursing homes in take in for the residents to see...and my Mom
to be the "hostess."

So...I'm weekends home for a long time, but lots of horsey fun.

Now have to go look up Norwegian guidebooks.  We are leaving on Friday, to
Oslo or Bergen...when I figure it out, I guess I better get the reservation
pronto!  Will get to Nordfjordeid on Tuesday sometime.  Not sure what we
will do with the time prior.  If you have any suggestions, let me know.
Thought we might go to a glass factory near Oslo and get some champagne
glasses for our wedding (just a few really nice ones) and then maybe just
try to wander about the countryside a bit.  I don't like to spend short
periods of time in cities unless I know where I am can be boring
bus rides without much interesting if you don't planin the countryside
there is always something interesting.

Gail Russell
Forestville CA

Norwegian Driving Clinic (19-20 May, near Ottawa/Cda)

2001-03-13 Thread Cheryl Beillard
This message is from: "Cheryl Beillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello all .. this is the first formal notice regarding registration for the
above clinic which I'm now deep into organizing.

Olaf Nyby, 2nd Level Norwegian Carriage Driving Instructor, is making his
first visit to Canada on the May 19-20 weekend and we have room for a total
of 12 turnouts to participate in 4 classes each over the 2 days.  I have 4
spaces filled (3 fjords, 1 Cdn/QH cross) already - just based on the initial
word of  mouth advertizing but there are 8 remaining.  The cost is $150 Cdn
for the 4 sessions which will start with ground driving/long reining
techniques, and end with driven dressage, cones and elements of marathon,
depending on the level of experience/interest and abilities of the final mix
of horses and drivers.

Other subjects he will probably touch on include harness fitting
(single/multiples), bit selection, use of the whip, starting young horses
and of course, correcting insecure/problem horses -- not that there are
likely to be any among the fjords!

There will be an opportunity for private lessons (one in the am and another
in the pm) on Friday, May 18, for those who want to get the basics in hand
after the winter, or have a problem they hope to resolve or just want more
time with Olaf.

>From what I've heard from the organizers in New York of the 2 clinics he
gave last year, he's not only terrific with the horses but good with people
too .. We will be having a barbecue here the night before for participants -
as Olaf wants to meet his students first and have everyone feel comfortable
about what they will be doing.   He recommends that everyone set a goal in
terms of training for the w/e that he will help them achieve.

In terms of his background, Olaf's main interest is Combined Drive/Eventing,
I gather, but he makes/sells harness, trains up to 50 horses a year at his
own stable in Norway (fjords among them) and competes nationally in CDEs
with a team of Oldenbergers.  I understand he has done apprenticeships at
the Royal Mews in England, Sweden and Denmark and that he covers both the
theory and history of carriage driving as he instructs.  At Cherry Hill, I
was told that one of the people who signed up was one of the most seasoned
drivers on the US national equestrian team and she was completely sold on
Olaf's skill and what she learned in the first half hour!

There will be no more than 3 turnouts in the ring at a time, grouped
according to level, It's a large arena with good viewing from covered
seating overlooking the ring.  With a total of 16 classes over the w/e,
moving through all phases of training, I think it promises to be a really
interesting weekend.

There is stabling on the grounds of the really big arena I've booked (near
Arnprior, off Hwy 417, about 1/2 hr north of Ottawa) for $25 Cdn/night and
I'm hosting some participants here .but can easily find B&B accomodation
closer to the clinic itself for others.  I'm hoping for as many fjords as
possible, as this is a chance to bring together the growing number of owners
and breeders in Ontario.  But we'd also love to have people attend from
Quebec and the upper north/eastern States.

Anyone who is interested in participating should contact me ASAP to book a
space, (that goes for those of you who have already said you'll attend .. I
need written confirmation) as I'm about to start advertising locally and I
suspect the classes may fill up quickly .. Ditto for securing a private
lesson(s) the day before.  I'm hoping for mostly fjords so we can do some
breed boosting at the same time!   A registration package is available on
request and if I haven't emphasized it enough, auditors are welcome, of
course, (it's $25/day or $40 for both) so don't feel you have to bring a
horse .. it will be a fun and informative way to start the season for

If some of you in Ontario or Quebec is willing to help promote the clinic, I
have copies of the flyer which you could post in your local feed/tack
store -- that would be most appreciated as this is NOT a money making scheme
for me .. I'm organizing this so that I can participate! .. but there is
that element of concern that I may get stuck with more of the cost than
anticipated any help in advertising it is welcome!