This message is from: Phillip Odden <>

Hello Folks from Phillip Odden in Northwestern Wisconsin where the snow from a long winter has just about vanished.

Else and I are leading a 12 day tour to Norway this August. This will be a study tour of sorts where Else and I will share our favorite places and interesting people we have come to know in Norway. We will be learning about the Folk Arts and Rural Traditions of Norway. We will visit several places that keep Fjord Horses including the school at Nordfjordeid and we have just made changes in the tour so that we can take in the annual Fjord Mare show at Førde. This is probably the largest Fjord mare show in Norway. There will be fantastic Fiddle music and wonderful food traditions to enjoy as well as we travel through some of Norway's most spectacular scenic mountains and valleys. And yes, there will be a number of places to shop. Many of the hotels will be located in the countryside rather than cities.

You can learn more about our tour by visiting our web site www. or contact us by email or phone.

Else and I are ready to answer any questions you may have. There are still a few seats left on the tour with a maximum of 24.

Enjoy your spring and your Fjords.

Phil Odden

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