This message is from: Beverly Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi All,

I have heard through the fjord grapevine that there is not going to be an
Ontario show this year but that is just a rumor and I have not confirmed
with anyone in the immediate organizing committee.  Pat Wolfe or Cheryl
Beillard should be able to give a more definite answer to that question.

However,  the NFHA's Annual Fjord Show will be held August 20 & 21 in
Spencer, MA.  We will be having a two day forum this year instead of 3.
There is limited camping on site and it is going to be a lot of fun for all.
Anyone interested in receiving a prize list please contact me privately with
your address and I will be happy to send you one when they are printed and
ready to go in the next few weeks.

Cindy, congrats on Ronaldo's waltz in the dressage ring.  Always great to
see these fjordies getting out and strutting their stuff.  Proving they are
not lazy or stubborn as many think they are!!

Beth Gerst
Northeast Fjord Horse Association

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