This message is from: GAIL RUSSELL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

One way of getting submissiveness from your Fjord is to clicker train
commands like "Back" (I ask for one step at a time, use a hand pushed into
the chest muscles as the initial cue.), "Head Up," Head Down," Step (step
forward with one foot at a time), and "Touch" (touch a cone, or the end of a
whip).  These simple commands have been *very* useful.  "Head Up" has
stopped the tug-of-war when leading through grassy areas (doesn't help much
if the grass is knee high though).  I ask for the head up instead of jerking
his head up.  Haven't tried it from the saddle yet, but I bet it would help.
"Back" is great to stop rushing through gates.  "Step" and "Touch" are good
for trailer loading practice.  I had to use a chain lead when I first got
Gunthar - now lead in a regular halter with few problems *as long as we keep
practicing our obedience."

Below are directions for subscribing to a new clicker list for horses:

A clicker training list specifically for equines has been started.  You can
subscribe to this list by going to:

It is a small list so far, about 30 subscribers, mostly lurkers waiting for
Alexandra's book.

We would love to have some folks who are using clicker training with their
horses join up and share the information.

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