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The dates for the MWFHC Winter Meeting are Feb. 22-24, 2008

Here are the highlights -

Winter  Meeting 2008
This year’s winter meeting will be February 22-24, 2008.   It will be held
the Wahl  Equestrian Center in Sterling, IL.  We will be staying at the
Holiday Inn in Rock Falls, IL.
This year our meeting topics are varied.  I really wanted to show some of the
 other aspects of the horse world, besides horse shows and evaluations.  We
will have Asia Voight, an animal  communicator and Dr. Julie Smith, an equine
Chiropractor.  Also Dr. Lisa Nesson, DVM, will be doing  a dental demo/talk.
These  people will give a talk and/or demo in the morning, after the lunch
break they  will be available to answer any questions you may have.  If you
like to bring a current  picture of your horse, Asia will be doing readings.
Dr. Julie Smith will be doing equine  chiropractic adjustments and Dr. Nesson
will be available for any questions you  may have about your horse’s health.
Pat Holland and Phil Odden will also be available in the afternoon to  answer
any questions you may have about the horse show or the evaluation  process.
As a way to try and raise some money for the club, we will be having a
tack/show clothing swap.   You  can bring your items and we will have tags for
to put your name and the  dollar amount on.  The idea is that  people can look
at the items for sale. If they are interested in an item, they  will find you
and work out a deal.  We ask that whatever amount you sell the item for you
give 10% to the  club.  Linda Syverson-Kerr has  graciously volunteered to
up this part of the event.  This sale will be one day  only.  All unsold
items need  to be taken back home with you.  We  will not be responsible for
items left behind.
Saturday night the dinner will be at the hotel.  A cash bar will be open at
6:00 pm,  dinner will follow at 7:00pm.  We  will have the pleasure of
listening and dancing to the band that played for us  last year.  Hopefully
this year
we  will have more participation.  We  will have some very special center
pieces at the tables again this year, make  sure your sitting in the right
Sunday morning we will have a brunch buffet and our club meeting.   Keep your
fingers crossed that we have better weather and everyone can come and
participate.  This is a great way to  see your Fjord friends and to make new
Information packets will be mailed out at the end of December to all  MWFHC
members.  The information will  also be posted out on the club website at
_www.mwfhc.org_ ( .  If you are not a member and would
to attend, you can e-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  and I will be happy to  send you a packet.
Looking forward to seeing you there,
Dawn SchlickmanWinter Meeting Chairperson

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