This message is from: Larson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Of course, there's still a small possibility that this time the
>doomsayers could be right.  As the old saying goes, even a stopped
>clock is right twice a day....
Marsha Jo, I really am impressed with yours and Pamela's preparedness!  And I 
have to agree with all the 
realists, alarmists and optomists.  Actually, if you review the list, we are 
all agreeing on one thing here:  
whether the domesday sayers are right or not, whether the computer experts are 
right or not, whether the 
financial wizards are right or not, the reaction of the populace just prior to 
01-01-2000 can cause a major 
disruption all by itself.  For this reason as well as normal issues such as 
blizzards, hurricanes, tornadoes, 
earthquakes, etc., we seem to all agree to some form and degree of preparedness 
for our families and our 

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