This message is from: "Cynthia Madden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

They should sort it out OK. I agree that letting them get use to each other
over a fence is a good idea. We have had one mare and three geldings
together and they get along fine. We have also had them in a larger herd
situation of mixed mares & geldings and after the initial sorting and
snorting, they break up into little compatible groups and are perfectly
happy. I always found it amusing the boss mare (and there always is one)
usually fell for Pferd, Steve's Morgan. Pferd usually becomes the boss

I am gonig through my own version of this with the new female Giant
Schnauzer.She is definitely taking over the dogs and she and I are duking it
out for pack leader. I think I am winning.

Cynthia Madden
Las Cruces, NM
personal:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My goal in life is to be as good a person
as my dog already thinks I am...

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