This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to chime in on a variety of things here. i have been so
swamped that i just do a quick scan of the List daily, but there are a
few things I wanted to comment on:

I mailed out the Application packets for the Carson City Eval just over a
week ago. So far, I have only had one sent back and I mailed out almost
300! Boy was I stupid in forgetting to hire my barn rat teenagers to do
the stuffing, adressing & stamping. It took me almost 9 hours! Live &
learn ;~>)   So...if you are in the Westren Region, and desire to apply
for this eval, please email me privately and I will send you the info.

Also I cannot emphasize enough that if you don't have a horse that is
ready to evaluate, but are curious about the process and want to learn
more, please come and watch, and even participate as a volunteer. You can
learn LOTS and meet many of your fellow fjord owners and breeders &
officials in the process.

FYI, if you want to view the site where the Eval  is to be held, I will
be taking pictures of the Horse Centre and placing them on my
Picturetrail site by 7/29. I will re-post this to the List at that time.


Butterfly bits:  The one depicted on the site is not a
true Butterfly bit, as in the one used for driving, also referred to as a
Post bit.

In the traditional Butterfly/Post bit, there are 2  swept back "tear
drop" shaped loops (shanks) below the bit's mouthpiece, (not one), and
the cheek piece (that connects to the bridle cheeks)  is not as
high/tall, and has a round loop, not a reverse of the shank loops. Also,
it is not very common, or desireable to use a snaffle  mouthpiece on a
curb bit, as this one depicts. Much more common to have a mullen mouth or
low port = a solid mothpiece.

I tried contacting the Glory bit company to order a 5 1/2" mouth
Butterfly bit, but never got thru to them, so I had a bitmaker in the
Sacramneto, Ca. area make one up based on a drawing I made for him. It
took about 4 weeks & cost almost $100, incl. s&h, but I am very pleased
with it. It is made of sweet iron,(not shiny silver, but dark metallic
grey) with copper strips inlaid into the mullen mouthpiece.It has a very
nice angle in the horses mouth too. One thing I really like about it, is
that where the shanks join the mouthpiece, they are hinged by a "barrel"
joint, so there is absolutely zero pinching. Very similar to a Myler bit,
but unlike the Myler's, the shank and cheek pieces move as one, not
independently, and are less squirrly. (Myler bits can have  a bit too
MUCH signal, making them confusing to the horse IMO - I have tried them
on very well trained horses.) Anyway, if anyone wants a nice driving bit
based on a traditional Butterfly,  that can pass muster in a CDE
presentation, let me know. I'll let you know who to contact.


Swimming: be careful out there! Yes, it is a blast, but do be aware that
some fjords ( and like myself!) have negative bouyancy (sp) , meaning
that we SINK in deep water, not float. (too much bone/muscle mass
compared to fat/lung capacity). Take it slow and easy when entering the
water the 1st time, and let the horse figure out how to swim, by itself,
before you try this as a "group" effort. I kinda learned the hard way the
first time out swimming a not very bouyant fjord. We were ok in the end,
but it was a bit disconcerting to see your horse disappear below the
water while underneath you! Not to mention getting water n their ears.

Also watch out for: waterweeds in ponds. They can entangle legs and make
some horses a bit panicky, not a good place to be if you are swimming
alongside. Make sure you have a good route out of the water, especially
if you are creek swimming. And always respect your horse if it absolutely
refuses to enter some section of  a creek or pond.. It could very likely
have a bit of quicksand under the water.* all of the above learned by
experiece ;~)

The most fun I ever had was in a deep creek channel, that we were able to
approach very gradually, and once in, the horse swam and we were moved
gently downsream at the same time. Big fun!

Enjoy your summer!

Karen McCarthyGreat Basin Fjords :: Carson City, 


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