This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 1/16/02 6:10:56 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< Jack - Keep in touch! >>

Hi there,
    I just heard from Brigid, and it's a go. I am going to post an appeal to 
anyone who is transporting any horses to the area from Ca. To see if Rafael 
can "hitch a ride" with them. I could possible get some money to help share 
the cost, but, as you know from my call for help message, I just don't have 
the financial support at this time to do much at all. Thus the reason for 
that message. I will write it now, and we will see what develops. I have had 
great responses to my plea for his needing a place to board, and I must 
continue to say that "Fjord people" are the "GREATEST!"I am devistated by all 
the wonderful responses and love. You will be hearing from me. I have a small 
six cylinder Toyota truck that is not near the vehicle to pull a 1200 pound 
bundle of love, and a 1500 lb. trailer. Keep your fingers crossed. Jack

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