Re: Double bridle for Fjords

2000-07-14 Thread Bushnell's
This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 11:59 AM 07/14/2000 -0800, you wrote:
>This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I use the curb rein especially out on the trail,
>when he is diving for green stuff.

"diving for," describes it well. on our last trail ride Hohmer was overly
tempted by the extra lush foliage this year dangling right in front of his
face as we rode along. he knows I don't allow grazing but he was overcome
and "dove" for it.. I scolded him and flicked him with the end of the reins
a couple of times.. soo, he began to grab and lunge simultaneously;
anticipating the reprimand! he is so smart, how quickly they learn!

I might add he did come out of it before we finished. he's not allowed
pasture privileges, as he overdoes, so the green stuff has a real pull for
him. I don't let him nibble even before or after the ride though as that's
one of the worst habits to break!

you'll be glad to know Jean that our weather turned HOT (so you can yet
consider the area for a move to =) and we're hauling in the hay!!

"Bon Voyage" to Mary too!

=)  Ruthie, NW MT

Re: Double bridle for Fjords

2000-07-14 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My Dressage instructor suggested I go to a double bridle for my big Fjord.
Instead I used the glory butterfly bit (mullen mouth) with two reins, using
mostly the snaffle rein.  I use the curb rein especially out on the trail,
when he is diving for green stuff.

Jean, didn't you say that you use a twisted wire copper snaffle?  With your
good hands this would be fine and I'm sure he would hesitate to dive for
grass wearing that, However a smooth mullen mouth snaffle didn't deter mine
when he wanted to lean on it or dive for grass. I trail ride a lot and ride
where there is grass and tall weeds so it's nice to have the curb action
for a little more control.

Anneli, there are some nice mullen mouth dressage curb bits in DOVER Saddle
Co. catalog as well as others such as Dressage Extensions and Tack in the
Box. That may not help you,tho, being in Sweden. These all have nice
websites where you can order on-line if you are interested.

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, smoke is gone, but light rain today

>Anneli, Why do you need a double bridle with curb?  I know at upper levels
>of dressage this is used but can not see why it is necessary otherwise?  I
>know my first fjord was afraid of the curb and concentrated only on it the
>one time I used it.Jean

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

Re: Double bridle for Fjords

2000-07-14 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Anneli, Why do you need a double bridle with curb?  I know at upper levels
of dressage this is used but can not see why it is necessary otherwise?  I
know my first fjord was afraid of the curb and concentrated only on it the
one time I used it.Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
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