Re: Life Is Always A Miracle!

2000-05-31 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Susan how nice to hear things going well for you and Richard and that you
are blessed with a new life.  JeanPS Watch that colt he will be in
charge of the place in a day or two!   Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of The Colonel's Daughter
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes  Noble Book Stores

Re: Life Is Always A Miracle!

2000-05-31 Thread SUSAN L GIARGIARI

Hello List!
   Thank you to all of you who have written on the list and privately to
Richard and I, about our recent losses. It is so comforting and feels so
nice at such a hard time to be surrounded by all of you wonderful friends.
Very comforting, to be able to read these posts together and go thru the
gamete of feelings together, and it gets a little easier each day.
   I wanted to share what happened the day after Sunday and her foal passed.
Richard went to a Bible study group and Anthony had asked him to light the
grill for him, so he could cook some fresh Homegrown pork . I was out in
the barnyard putting the last blankets and such away. My neighbor, who was
here helping all day, with keeping Sunday up on her chest, showed up in the
morning to help put away all the stuff that gets brought out to the barn
during a crisis. I was so thankful for her help. Her 8 year old daughter
also came to help. So, as I fed and finished, Anthony called out to me to
see how close I was to finishing up, and I told him I would be right along.
Our big stock trailer is parked in front of the house and blocked my view.
When I got up to the fenced in yard, there was a picnic table,(he had to
pull it down and drag it across to be near the grill) umbrella stuck in a
hole in the table, two places set side by side, a teapot, cup of tea
steeping, he had a cup of coffee and a little coffee maker pot on the table,
and dinner on the grill was two slabs of pork ribs, wrapped in tin foil with
barbecue sauce, and two baked potatoes, wrapped in foil. He was so proud of
the picnic he had prepared for me! It totally astounded me and we sat down
to eat our feast! It was chilly by then, 8 PM, and the tea hit the spot! Our
hard times are shared together and that makes the special times mean so
   Sunday nite, May 28, right on her due date, we were blessed with a colt
from Dena! The birth was wonderful for us to participate in and was very
private for Richard and I. Richard video taped it and it is so neat to
watch! Although, as I was imprinting the little guy, I peaked in front of
his umbilical cord, still attached at the time, and told Richard it was a
filly! Later on, after Dena stood and the cord broke, I got the iodine and
as I put it on, I realized that it is behind the belly button that you
look for that funny little hole! Sure enough, that is what I saw! OOppss!
Goofed again! Only this time it is on tape! First the goat, Felicity to
Felix and now this little guy. No comments from the peanut gallery please!
Richard also let out a secret, he does not like slime. He won't touch a
fish, has to wear gloves, and when he let it out to the little guy, that he
was way to slimy to touch, needed to dry off! I started to laugh! You learn
something new every day! He would help in an emergency, but as long as I am
there, he is more than happy to offer word encouragement and hold the
camera! This little guy was up in 15 minutes and never fell down when he got
up! No stumbling around and went right to the milk bar. He had the spikit
in 5 minutes. I have never seen such an alert foal and one who didn't careen
around the stall, as it would try to get it's sea legs under it!
Congratulations to Dave and Pat!! Yeah! Signe and Mari!! Dena and Stella
await the time when their foals are both old enough for them to get back to
work with Dave and the 4 in Hand. Stella is being bred right now and when
she gets back we will start her back to work.
Saw Craig and Laura, and Vivian at GMHA! Hilmar was in the Training
Level, and won his division! He did have competition! It was awesome for us
to see him actually able to concentrate and do the work in the ring
requested of him. I will let you all in a little training tip. Leslie, the
woman who has him to train and show this summer, took him out for a 12 mile
jog at 10:30 AM. This took the edge off. His dressage test was at 12:45 and
the cones at 1:06. He did great! He actually, still could have done the
marathon part, but it isn't required in Training. We aren't breeding Hilmar
this year, he is concentrating on showing and we are off to a good start!
Marnix, also won his division. I don't know if he did have competition or
not. I know I talked to Vivian, but can't remember! Vivian!!
   I have heard the thing about the cannon bone and being able to get a good
estimate on the height potential. I will ask Richard what the formula is
tomorrow. He has retired for the night! He goes to his Heart Class still and
is now down to 171 pounds, from 245!! I told him he needed to stop now or I
will be big  time embarrassed! I sure don't want to cut out my little
pleasures in life. FOOD!!
  Sorry this is s loonnggg!  Enjoy the nice weather! We actually have
stopped burning wood to heat the house!   Take care,  Sue g.