Re: Melanomas in Fjords

1999-09-03 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks Brenda for the website on horses as I could look up other problems as
we are short of Vets here.  Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]

Re: Melanomas in Fjords

1999-09-02 Thread Karen McCarthy

This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I just sold a very nice gelding,Rocky Hill Arnie ( one less "available" 
guy!!!) to an excellent home in Bend, Or.

Arnie has a sarcoid above his R eyelid. It was diagnosed this spring, and I 
went thru a treatment w/ an anti-cancer drug, Regressin, inj. into the site. 
There were a total of 3 inj. To my mind, it did nothing but swell up the 
eye, cause Arnie terrible discomfort and make him kind of out of it for the 
first 3-4 days.

I then read a website article about melanomas and sarcoids, and found a 
reference to an English company, Hilton Herbs. I checked their website and 
found a product, an herbal blend, Ditton, composed of about 6 herbs, and 
started Arnie out on their rec. dosage, along with a topical application of 
thuja ointment (hemlock?), and voila, it started working after about 2 1/2 
weeks. His sarcoid has shrunken to less than 1/2 its orig. size, and seems 
to keep going down. The vet sure was happy! Fortunately he is not against 
alternative therapies, and checked into the info himself for future use.

Those of you w/ similar diagnoses might attempt this.

Ditton mix and thuja ointment are available from Chamisa Ridge website.

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Re: Melanomas in Fjords

1999-09-02 Thread Brenda Simonson
This message is from: Brenda Simonson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

If you would like to read a very good article on melonomas in horses and
current treatments, go to the web page  You will need
to do a search in past articles on melonomas and sarcomas.  You should
get a 5 or longer page article on melonomas that was printed in their
June issue.  I found it pretty interesting and it also helped relieve
some of my fears.

Brenda Simonson

Re: Melanomas in Fjords

1999-09-02 Thread Brenda Simonson
This message is from: Brenda Simonson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Cheryl Beillard wrote:
> This message is from: "Cheryl Beillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> two flat black raised spots on the side of Soleia's muzzle, quite small, but


My Fjord developed one there as well.  It was sort of flat, black and
raised.  It looks like it is growing back.  Th ones on my guy started
out looking wart-like (but not quite).  They are not overly lumpy.  It
is definitely tissue that doesn't belong where it is growing!


Re: melanomas in fjords

1999-09-02 Thread Brenda Simonson
This message is from: Brenda Simonson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> My friend has a year old filly with a tentatively-diagnosed melanoma.  The
> lab results aren't back yet, but that's what the vet thinks it is.   Are
> these common in fjords?   She's so young, and she's not grey.
> Gail in Albuquerque


I was going to ask almost the same question.  My five year old has just
developed his third sarcoma/melonoma.  I am waiting for the flies to die
down before I have it removed and sent it.  I would be interested in
hearing more about yours.


Re: Melanomas in Fjords

1999-09-01 Thread OLSENELAIN
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On my horse, the melanoma is a smooth, firm, black(like their skin) lump that 
protrudes about 1/2" out of his hair. I have not had this horse that long, so 
I don't know how it looked when it first started. The one on his ear is about 
the size of a pea and it looks the same.


Re: Melanomas in Fjords

1999-09-01 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I just had a rather large growth removed from under Stella's Jaw...seemed
to start from a bug bite and grew slowly over 5-6 years until it was about
the size of a small egg (quail or pullet size).  It was in the skin.  My
vet sent it in to be diagnosed and it was a "Sarcoid" which is caused by a
virus.   I guess sarcoids can be really persistent in returning znd hard to
get rid of.  Hopefully it won't return.  Stella also has some small lumps
I've been watching for a number of years but none in the usual locations
that true grey horses usually get them, around the genitals, etc.  These
small pea sized growths are in the skin  and have not shown any growth over
the last few years.  A couple of these also started from bug bites.  

I have a couple of friends who have grey horses with melanoma. Most of the
growths are around the anus and genitals, some around the mouth, ear, etc.
One horse has been given "tagamet' or the equivalent, which helped slow the
growth. THe other horse is in her mid twenties  I think and has had
melanoma for years.  Melanoma in horses isn't as deadly as it is in humans.
 Maybe Brian can fill us in on both Sarcoids and Melanomas?

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, where the sunrise is just visible through my
tall spruce trees to the East with a golden glow and pink clouds at 6:30 AM
 The aspen and birch are starting to turn gold with fall colors. Another
gorgeous day!

 At 06:49 AM 9/1/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>This message is from: "Cheryl Beillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Hmmm .. useful to know that this happens.  Can you tell me what a melanoma
>on a horse looks like?  And how soon they can be detected?  I have noticed
>two flat black raised spots on the side of Soleia's muzzle, quite small, but
>wondered what they are and the vet doesn't have an answer at this point ..
>just advised me to watch them?

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

Re: Melanomas in Fjords

1999-09-01 Thread Cheryl Beillard
This message is from: "Cheryl Beillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hmmm .. useful to know that this happens.  Can you tell me what a melanoma
on a horse looks like?  And how soon they can be detected?  I have noticed
two flat black raised spots on the side of Soleia's muzzle, quite small, but
wondered what they are and the vet doesn't have an answer at this point ..
just advised me to watch them?

Re: melanomas in fjords

1999-08-31 Thread OLSENELAIN
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I also have a Fjord with a melanoma on his chest that will be surgically 
removed after the show season. It is about the diameter of a quarter and the 
vet says it is just in the skin, not growing into the muscle. He seems to 
have a smaller one on his ear that we will not remove. I've been told by 
several people that they can grow back after they are removed, too.  I don't 
know if this is common in the breed.

Elaine Olsen

Re: melanomas in fjords

1999-08-31 Thread GailDorine
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My friend has a year old filly with a tentatively-diagnosed melanoma.  The 
lab results aren't back yet, but that's what the vet thinks it is.   Are 
these common in fjords?   She's so young, and she's not grey.
Gail in Albuquerque