RE: Oregon Gold Horse Show!

2005-04-04 Thread Jeanine Rachau
This message is from: "Jeanine Rachau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Please send me a premium list at:

Jeanine Rachau
64031 Mt Glen Rd
La Grande, OR 97850



La Grande, Oregon, USA

-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2005 7:58 PM
Subject: Oregon Gold Horse Show!

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OK everyone out West... Time for me to bug you again! The Oregon Gold Horse
Show is coming up May 14 & 15th and we'd really like to see a big showing of
Fjords this year. We have lots of classes for every level of horse and
halter, Western, English, trail, hunter, and a FULL DAY of driving classes!
Please consider coming to Prineville, OR to join us. Anyone interested can
me at the address below and I can Email you the Class List and Entry forms.
Lets have more Fjords than Haflingers at the show this year!!!


Amy Evers
Dun Lookin' Fjords
Redmond OR

Re: Oregon Gold Horse Show

2004-04-27 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm there! Been practicing, watch out ;-) My entry will be in tomorrow's 

/ )_~
Brigid Wasson
SF Bay Area, CA

RE: Oregon Gold Horse Show & Fjord Classes at FCSC Show!

2004-01-29 Thread The Mercers
This message is from: "The Mercers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Amy Evers wrote:

We finally have dates set for the Oregon Gold Open Horse Show!! This
show will be held on May 15, 16, 2004. Saturday is halter and riding
Sunday is all driving classes! (Word is we may even have one pairs class
year- still working on the details.)<

May 22 & 23, the Franklin County Saddle Club Open Horse Show (located in
Pasco, WA) will have 4 Fjord classes!  English Pleasure, Western
Pleasure, Pleasure Driving and Log Skid PLUS a Fjord Versatility Award!
There are also numerous open classes to choose from.  You can contact me
for more information.

Two weekends in a row of Fjord classes!  Yahoo!  :-)

Taffy Mercer
Kennewick, WA  

Re: Oregon Gold Horse Show! I won't miss the next one!

2001-05-23 Thread Fjord1901
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 5/22/01 10:22:43 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< Fjord lovers, don't miss this show next year. Life with a Fjord is only as 
 good as you make it. Don't be afraid to stick your neck out and SHOW! >>
Hi there,
Excellent summation. This report has intrigued me not to miss next years 
event. I was the "good  guy" who stayed behind this year (not regretfully), 
however, I can't allow my sweetie (Brigid) to go out, and win all those 
awards without a challenge on my part. Unfortunately, I am content to keep my 
interest in the western classes. i.e. western riding, trail, and of course 
reining. No oversized baseball caps or tight pants for me, so English is 
O-U-T. As for driving, I'll stick to a six or eight "horse powered" truck or 
car. Safer for me, and by all means safer for my fellow Fjord drivers. (I 
want to keep the friends I have.) You drivers can all breath a sigh of relief 
now : ).
All kidding aside, I was a little disappointed to hear of the small 
showing of Fjord people. I'm sure, like myself, there are lots of legitimate 
reasons, but if any of you out there are a little apprehensive about 
competing in a show, I think it's time to take a serious look at yourselves, 
and, the other Fjord people around you. Number one, you will probably never 
find a better group of supportive people in any sport. If anything, they tend 
to help bring out the best in you. Besides, where else can you try your 
skills in so many wonderful classes? Competition is F-U-N, fun. The people 
around you are fun, It also is an arena of learning and sharpening your 
skills. It's a "vacation" (so to speak) for you, your family, and of course 
your horse. 
Oh, and lets not forget the CO$T. Money needed for clothes, tack, 
transportation, motels, food, gas, and the list goes on. I'm not going to try 
and convince anyone that it isn't expensive to go to shows, but, so is 
anything else you may choose to do. Some times we need to "bite the bullet" 
and eliminate a few "things" from our life style that make it difficult or 
even impossible, for us to enjoy something we love to do. Give this some 
serious thought. 
I sincerely would love to see more of us at these shows. There are a lot 
of you out there who are missing out on a wonderful experience. Don't allow 
yourself to miss out on an incredible experience that will last a life time. 
I hope to see you all at the Skandi Fest this summer in Turlock. Jack (the 
barn mgr.)

PS, you say you don't like being a beginner? Enter once, and your experienced 
: ) 

Re: Oregon Gold Horse Show! (Very Long)

2001-05-22 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Back at home in CA, recovered enough to write about our adventure this 
weekend : )

It actually began at the Northwest Equine Expo in Albany, whenever that was, 
March I think? Amy Evers gave us an ad for the Oregon Gold Show, and it just 
seemed perfect. Great place (OR), great people (Evers, Lassesens etc.), and a 
"first year" show in need of support. I wanted badly to go, but only so many 
vacations are in the budget this year. Still I kept the flyer, pinned to the 
wall next to my desk. Looking for a way, I realized that perhaps one of us 
could afford to go, while the other took care of the pet sitting business. 
Jack voted for me. Hurray!

So began the shopping, and learning, and practicing. English saddle, driving 
clothes, whips, hats, shoes... That was an adventure in itself! Good advice 
from this list. Protocol. Riding/driving 3x week despite my busy work 
schedule and sick Grandmother. I seriously bit the bullet and bought a brand 
new truck to replace my small-engine Toyota Tacoma (see my next post for the 
"Tundra Report"). 

2 days till showtime. Give Tommes a hair cut, pack up all that tack, check my 
list 10 more times, pick up health certificate/Coggins from vet, pray I 
didn't forget something! Dad gets the days off work, so he can join me. 

Thursday morning, Jack makes us all a good breakfast (thank God someone in 
this house can cook!) and sends us off. After going to the bank, doing 2 dogs 
walks, hitching up the trailer, and a few other seemingly not-time-consuming 
errands, we hit the road. It's 4PM, rush hour in the SF Bay Area, and we hit 
the traffic BAD. It takes 3 hours just to get out of our area. Yuck. However 
once we get on I-5 it's clear sailing. With Dad snoozing, I settle in for a 
long drive. Nodding off somewhere near Mt. Shasta, I pull over and take a 
nap. Wake up, drive again. Once over the border, I figure we'll get gas and 
something to eat, and do a map check. That's when I realize I went the wrong 
way. Now, at 3AM, do I take an unknown road to connect with Hwy 97, or do I 
just take I-5 to Eugene and cut over east on 126? Not wanting to get lost, I 
opt for the long but safe way. Oh and by the way, Ashland OR closes down 
after dark. No gas station or food in sight! Back on the road. Nodding off 
again not long after, I nap in a rest area and resume the journey at sunup. 
Hwy 126, which runs right past Gayle Ware's place, is a beautiful road. It's 
also just 2 lanes, windy, and isolated. It took almost 3 hours to cut over to 
Prineville, the location of the show. By the time we arrived it was past noon 
on Friday.

But the journey had just begun. I was quickly greeted by the few other early 
arrivals, and Dad saw his first "other" Fjords. I took advantage of the empty 
arenas to ride Tommes around, get used to things, and see how he was feeling. 
No problem. We gave him a bath (rather he gave us a bath from shaking) and 
set him up in the stall. Back to our motel. I was sound asleep by 7PM.

Saturday, the first day of the show! We arrived to find a different scene 
from the day before. Lots of people and horses, an interesting variety of 
breeds. I'm sorry I didn't get a photo of a Clyde standing next to a Mini! 
The double doors of my truck become a "dressing room" and I prepare for my 
first class, English riding. With a little time to spare, we ride around the 
grounds just relaxing. A woman made my day by saying, "My, you look so 
peaceful!" I can't help but feel peaceful with my horse. So we enter the show 
ring and WOW, where did all this energy come from? This weekend I discovered 
that Tommes has a special something that only comes out in the show ring. He 
felt great, however we didn't place in that class (Green Horse). Oh well, 
guess the competition is tough! Next class (Novice Rider), we place 4th. Wow! 
My first English class ever, and I've placed. I feel like I've won a million 

Back to the "dressing room" to prepare for Western riding. I remember what 
I've been told on the list about how the judging starts the moment you walk 
in the door. I make sure I'm sitting up proudly and every body part is where 
it should be. Again we place 4th(Green Horse). Yippee! Proud Dad is filling 
in the blanks on the back of my ribbons. Now I'm really happy, and proud of 
Tommes as we compete in our next Western class, Novice Rider. It's a huge 
class, 19 competitors! Everyone looks so good, I figure we won't place at 
all. At the lineup the announcer says, "First Place, number 105." WHAT?! 
That's me. First blue ribbon! I'm in Heaven. 

High from our success, I put Tommes to bed and watch the other classes with 
Dad. One of our favorite characters was "Firecracker" the Mule. his owner was 
only 16, and together they placed well in every class they entered. 
Firecracker made everyone laugh when he brayed loudly! I notice that the 
judge is very kind, and more than once takes the time to speak with a 

Re: Oregon Gold Horse Show

2001-05-22 Thread Denise Delgado
This message is from: "Denise Delgado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

karen, yeh for you and tise!!!  congrats all around on a healthy babe.
how about flicka the finicky filly?  denise

> Tise (Sivert x Jorunn) gave birth Sat. nite to a lovely filly by
> (Sven x Sybil). She is still without a name, and she is VERY typey and
> finicky, I think I am going to call her a "fillicky" instead of a

Re: Oregon Gold Horse Show

2001-05-22 Thread Karen McCarthy

This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Gee Becky, Catherine, Brigid,Pamela et al!
You're really making me feel like I missed a great weekend - which it looks 
like I did. Wah!! I wished I could have seen Sven's kids and grandkids 
perform...and I love the area where the show was held.
I know Amy and her parents have been up to alot of work to pull this show 
off, and I was glad I was at least able to sponsor a class or 2 & help in 
the awards dept.

Amy, I'll bet you took some awesome pictures, yes??
...But, I have a perfectly good excuse for staying at home:
Tise (Sivert x Jorunn) gave birth Sat. nite to a lovely filly by Phritz 
(Sven x Sybil). She is still without a name, and she is VERY typey and very 
finicky, I think I am going to call her a "fillicky" instead of a filly. 
Sooo sensitive and alert.

I won't have babywatch next year, so count me in for the show, Amy!
Before I sign off, I want to give a plug for Pat & Dave Schumaker's ADS 
recognised CDE, in Hayfork, Calif, June 15-17. It is taking place in a 
spectacular location in Trinity County, in N. Calif. It's about 1 1/2 hrs. 
west of Redding on 299.
The event is full, and there is a waiting list, but they still have room for 
a few more volunteers, especially for sat. the day of the marathon.
If anyone within driving distance is interested in seeing a CDE in a 
gorgeous rural setting (the way a CDE should be, NOT in L.A. on a landfill, 
harumpf!) please get yourself up there and check it out. It's really 
special. Hardy Zankte designed the marathon, and its a zipper! (I drove it 2 
weeks ago.)
As Pat & Dave have their hands full organising and running the event, they 
can't drive in it, so they asked me to drive Arnie ( a gelding I bred, full 
bro to Phritz, above.) This is such a treat, I cannot begin to tell you what 
a blast it has been driving up last weekend to test Arnie and my new vehicle 
out. My groom will be a good old friend & driving buddy Charlene who used to 
groom for me when I was competing alot with Sven.Our frst CDE together was 
in 1989. It's a reunion of sorts...

Email me privately if you need more info & I will help you out.

Karen McCarthy
Great Basin Fjords
Carson City, NV

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