This message is from: Lori Albrough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ron & Sherrie Dayton wrote:
> Is it possible when the headings for the site come up to highlite one and go
> directly to it.

If you receive the list as individual messages, rather than in digest form,
you can do this. To set up for individual messages go to Steve's site: 

Then, to make it really slick, set up your mail reader to filter all
messages from into a separate mail folder. This
will keep your fjord digest messages separate from your other email. Now you
can browse through the headings, read the ones that appeal to you, and trash
the rest. You can even sort by Subject, so you can read all postings on a
given subject contiguously. Info on how to set up your mail reader to sort
messages into separate folders will vary depending on the mail reader you
use. I can give you instructions for Netscape 4.5 or higher.


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