Re: Sarcoids in sheath?

2003-02-26 Thread GAIL RUSSELL
This message is from: GAIL RUSSELL [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I had the vet out.  Got the fresh out of vet school assistant, instead of
the regular vet.  She said something about squamous cell carcinoma as a
possibility (which sounded BAD to me...but she did not seem worried).  Did
not think it was a lipoma (she thought it was inside the skin, not attached
to the inside surface...which I gather is not a lipoma).  Did not think it
was a sarcoid.  Agreed with you that we should just watch it.  She said she
would consult with the regular vet about it as well.  So...I guess we will
just watch.

I have also seen bumps on the sheath like this in response to an
insect bite. A local spot of inflammation occurs and then a little
fibrous bump results.  This is a fairly large bump to be an insect bite,
but who knows.

THANK YOU for your response!

Re: Sarcoids in sheath?

2003-02-20 Thread whitedvm
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I have also seen bumps on the sheath like this in response to an insect
bite.  A local spot of inflammation occurs and then a little fibrous bump

You might just keep a close watch on it.  If it doesn't increase in size
or change consistency then you might just save your money on the biopsy.

 BTWmy vet figured that we cured the sarcoids that were there
 by biopsying them...that it somehow might have ramped up his immune
 response to them.

The biopsy might have caused some local inflammation that allowed the
body to penetrate the mass and build an immune response.  Sarcoids are
caused by a virus and somehow it isolates itself from the body so the
body can't attack it.  One old method for treating multiple sarcoids was
to cut one off, grind it up and mix it with a solution.  You would then
inject this into the horse.  This would be like making a vaccine to the

One method I use for some sarcoids is to inject them with an immune
stimulant that we use for respiratory infections.  It seems doing
anything to get the immune system to attack the mass helps recovery.


Steve White, DVM
Sport Horse Veterinary Service
Gretna, NE

Re: Sarcoids in sheath?

2003-02-19 Thread GAIL RUSSELL
This message is from: GAIL RUSSELL [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At 06:31 PM 2/19/2003 -0600, you wrote:
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


It is possible that it could be a sarcoid, but it doesn't sound typical. 
It could be a number of things.  I would have it biopsied to know for
sure.  It could be a lipoma, too.  Is it bulging to the outside so that
you can see it with him just standing there?

THANKS STEVE.  It is about the size of an over-sized grape.  Maybe it could
be a lipoma.  You can't really see it from the outside partly because
the sheath skin is loose I suppose (if it were on his barrel I would guess
it would show as a bulge due to its size).  It is fully enclosed,
well-encapsulated, and attached to the inside of the skin by an area that is
maybe 1/2 inch wide by one inch longmaybe less.  It feels like you can
get your figures almost all the way around it.  It is attached JUST to one
side of the midline of his sheath, back fairly close to the testicles (where
they were!).

I will probably have it biopsied all right.  BTWmy vet figured that we
cured the sarcoids that were there by biopsying them...that it somehow
might have ramped up his immune response to them. 


Re: Sarcoids in sheath?

2003-02-19 Thread whitedvm
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


It is possible that it could be a sarcoid, but it doesn't sound typical. 
It could be a number of things.  I would have it biopsied to know for
sure.  It could be a lipoma, too.  Is it bulging to the outside so that
you can see it with him just standing there?


Steve White, DVM
Sport Horse Veterinary Service
Gretna, NE

Re: Sarcoids in sheath?

2003-02-19 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Karen when you use the xterra I am sure your Vet told you to apply it three
four days in a row?  It smarts the second or third day but that means it is
working.  Charley's sheath was quite swollen and I gave him Banamine as
needed.  But it is nothing like the shots and seems localized.  Yes it is
expensive but it goes a long ways despite the tiny bottle. Unless you
slaver it on of course.  Good luck  Jean

Jean Walters Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
Author:The Colonel's Daughter
$20 PO Box 104
Montesano, WA 98563

Re: Sarcoids in sheath?

2003-02-19 Thread Karen McCarthy
This message is from: Karen McCarthy [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I would definitely have the vet look at it before I invested in meds to
get rid of itthe fact that it's under the skin, not sloughing or
weepy/bleeding makes me wonder if it is something other than a sarcoid,
but then again, maybe I have only been exposed to the messy, ugly
variety...I have heard that there are several ways they can manifest

If the vet says it's a real-honest-to-goodness sarcoid, then for sure I'd
try the Ditton/Thuja from Chamisa (it worked for 2 of mine), or even the
Xterra ointment that Jean Gayle used, which I have just gotten ahold of
from my vet (yikes - that stuff is not cheap!) to try out on a 4 y.o. who
has a  sarcoid on the inside of her front leg, but it does't contact the
girth or anything  is not painful.

Good luck! Kmac

Karen McCarthyGreat Basin Fjords :: Carson City, 
Nevada  Original
Message Follows

From: Jean Ernest Subject:

Re: Sarcoids in sheath?

...If it isn't raw, and not growing, I wouldn't disturb it. Get some
Ditton herbs from Chamisa Ridge and start him on them. Also get some
Thuja ointment from ChamisaWell, that's my experince. Anybody else?
KMac? Dr. Steve? 


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Re: Sarcoids in sheath?

2003-02-18 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gail. the sarcoids on Charley's sheath and inner thigh were external and the
xtera has done a great job.  Yours sounds more like a (hopefully) fatty
tumor or such. I am sure Steve can tell you. We are going to treat Charley
one more time and finish the small bottle of xtera.  The hardened skin is
almost gone and where the skin turned white it is back to a natural color.
This stuff really works.  Good luck, Jean

Jean Walters Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
Author:The Colonel's Daughter
$20 PO Box 104
Montesano, WA 98563

Re: Sarcoids in sheath?

2003-02-18 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Gail,

If it isn't raw, and not growing, I wouldn't disturb it.  Get some Ditton
herbs from Chamisa Ridge and start him on them.  Also get some Thuja
ointment from Chamisa.  if the lump isn't on the surface the ointment
probably won't have much effect but it won't harm anything..

Stella has had several probable sarcoids that I keep a watch on and they
don't change much over the last several years.  One lump on her back thigh
has been there for years, gets a bit larger, then smaller.  seems to shrink
in the summer when she is eating green grass and dandelions, etc.  She had
one removed from her jaw several years ago,it had gotten raw.  I then
started feeding the Ditton herbs and it never recurred , even tho the lab
felt the vet had not gotten all the sarcoid cells.  I used the Thuja also
on the incision.

Well, that's my experince.  Keep an eye on it, don't disturb unless it
starts to grow, fester, etc.

Anybody else?  KMac? Dr. Steve?

Jean in clear and somewhat cold Fairbanks, Alaska, bright sun today, +10F 

were definitely sarcoids.  We decided to wait to decide what to do...and
they went away by themselves sometime within the next six months. 

 Now that same horse has a one inch firm lump in his sheath.  It does not
appear to be normal, as it is attached more firmly to the skin on one side
of the midline of his sheath than it is on the other side.  Could this be a
sarcoid that has gone underground? 

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska