Re: bits, blinders/blinkers and behaviour

1999-10-25 Thread Cheryl Beillard
This message is from: Cheryl Beillard [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sue and Gayle .. thank you both for super stories!

I have a quick question for you experienced drivers out there .. After I
underwent my transformation at the Parelli Clinic, I came home and decided
to try driving Soleia without blinders/blinkers? don't know what is the
proper term .. and in her regular riding bridle, with a simple jointed
snaffle bit .. I've been out three times with this setup and notice that a)
she spends more time looking back at me and I have to work to keep her head
straight  b) she pulls much more - I have to really hang on to her
sometimes, whereas with the Kimberwick I had to keep only the lightest
contact (I hope) and c) she has been getting progressively more difficult
.. ie attempting to turn back, and yesterday .. serious bucking at the start
.. I just kept her moving and we covered a lot of ground in short order
..after which she was much more amenable.  Now Soleia has bucked under
saddle in the past, but I've been out driving almost daily over the last
three months and have only experienced one or two half hearted little bucks
in harness .. yesterday was fairly protracted and I had to really assert
myself  .. So .. the obvious thing I guess, is that the bit is not right and
she needs the blinders?  right?  Maybe when I've advanced through more of
the Parelli stuff on the ground I can give her more freedom when driving?
OR .. could it be the cupful of sweet feed I've been giving her the last
couple of weeks .. until now I have not fed her any grain --- I know some of
you feed grain, others don't.

Re: bits, blinders/blinkers and behaviour

1999-10-25 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Cheryl,

Boy, I bet there will be a lot of discussion from your post!

  First thing,  I think that the jointed snaffle often is not the preferred
bits for Fjords: a solid mouthpiece as in the kimberwick is kinder, doesn't
poke into their tongue or pallet and the loose ring of the snaffle (Parelli
snaffle? I have one and my fjords don't like it) could also be catching her
lip and pinching! And causing the bucking, etc.  And as for blinders, the
looking back at you, seeing the cart wheels turning, etc. could be causing
problems.  Lots of discussion of blinder/no blinders on the CD-L. Check the

Now a question:  If you were happily driving her with blinders and the
Kimberwick with no problems before, why try to change?  Why fix' it if it
ain't broke?  (Did the Parelli gurus make you feel quilty for using
normal methods? LOL) 

OK, I'll step back and let the discussion begin!

Jean  in Fairbanks, Alaska -2 degrees this morning and just getting light
at 8:42 am. Winter is here!

I have a quick question for you experienced drivers out there .. After I
underwent my transformation at the Parelli Clinic, I came home and decided
to try driving Soleia without blinders/blinkers? don't know what is the
proper term .. and in her regular riding bridle, with a simple jointed
snaffle bit ..

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska