2003-01-12 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Carol, I wonder if instead of "Gunnar", "Lars", "Heidi" etc we tried to see
a person inside our horses.  That might help with "character"?  For instance
when I talk to Gunnar I am talking to a horse and assuming that is who is in
there. Instead, if we know of a person or character in a book that seems to
fit our horse then that becomes a more recognizable character  It might
add depth to our understanding of a fjords reactions?

Example: when I talk to Gunnar I chuckle to myself about how obstinate this
horse can be.  If I knew him as a person I might handle him better knowing
his character inherent and why he got this way.

Oh well it is Sunday morning and I think I am still in bed yet.Jean

Jean Walters Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
Author:The Colonel's Daughter
$20 PO Box 104
Montesano, WA 98563


2003-01-12 Thread Arthur Rivoire
This message is from: "Arthur Rivoire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia -

I'm  pleased that Lori A. then Ursula J. raised the subject of FJORD
CHARACTER, and what it means.  --  I loved Lori's post.  I think that post
is so good that it should be preserved and utilized by the NFHR.  --
Include it in promotional brochures . . . run it in the Herald from time to
time.  It was beautifully written and, and I think,  educationally vital.

Ursula  said 
> ". . . .  I especially think the topic of 'character of the breed' is
worth revisiting and clarifying as this is sometimes a concept that is as
difficult for some people to grasp . . . "

I agree that it's a topic worth discussing, but "clarifying", well, that's
not so easy to do, which is why the Norwegians use the lovely and poetic
analogy describing the Fjord --

" . . . A bold bearing of the neck like a lad from the mountains on his way
to his beloved"   ---

 --  In my book, THE FJORDHORSE HANDBOOK, I devote two entire chapters to
the character of the breed - It's absolutely a fascinating subject, no where
near as simple as some might think.

I remember years ago, Larry Poulin, one of the top international drivers in
the U.S. said . . . "Fjords are a lot more sensitive than they look."  ---
He was so right!

Tor Nestas, one of the top Fjord men in Norway said,  Fjordhorse are 
"Difficult to define . . . difficult to express in words . . . more like a

And he also said ---  "Quality cannot be judged and measured in
kilograms and centimeters"

I look forward to a good discussion on this interesting and important topic.

Kind Regards,  Carol Rivoire