This message is from: Joanna Crell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 Hi all, 
I am hoping to find someone who is traveling from the south or west to the
northeast who can help us get a marathon carriage.  It is located in
Bristol, Virginia; right off Interstate 81 and possibly it could be brought
 to a different access point like Rte. 95. It is a 4 wheel cart, weighs 460
and can fit in the back of a pickup ( ramped up winched in) We are willing
to work out any arrangements, Suggestions gladly heard!! Since we live in
Maine; a part way transport is also do-able (any where closer to here than
NY). Just think, it could be a great way to help pay for your trip and meet
a fun horse-driver on either end, one of them a fjord-keeper!  Please share
this request with anyone who might be headed our way. Thankyou, joanna
        Joanna Crell - David Folger
Willowind Therapeutic Horseback Riding Center
        Phone & FAX     (207) 288-9506

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