re: Riding with sore knees

2004-09-27 Thread RkyMtnTrls
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

...My left knee...dr. says its a Bakers sore I can barely bend  it 
or go down stepsIf I ride at all this fall...have to mount from the wrong 
 side and not use a stirrip for that leg.  Anyone ever try getting on and  
riding this way?...
Although I can mount regularly - I do understand what you're going  through, 
while riding!  I have torn ligaments in my right knee.   Permanent damage (doc 
says surgery might repair it, but I want better  odds, so I work around it.)
... Wonder what my 3 year old colt will think?...
My day job is a pony ride business.  When working with my own  trail riding 
horses - I use the same comcepts that I do for the  ponies.  Meaning - I want 
'em as bomb proof as I can get 'em.   Working around chaotic 1-6 yr olds, I 
*have* to have (even ponies) that will not  rear, buck or bolt over *all kinds* 
of chaos, noise, stimulation that comes  up.  For my trail horses - I figure 
- why should they be any less safe for  myself and family than the little 500 
lb ponies I take to bookings??
Your 3 yr old *can* learn to accept you from any angle you should need to  
mount.  You just have to teach him, there is no no-no side to him.   It is 
*never* too early to begin despooking a horse!!  When saddling him -  do 
everything on both sides, equally.  Have someone who is confident around  
horses (not 
a helper who is jumpy, themselves) holding his head and practice  mounting on 
that side.  If you're knee is not able to at this time - find a  helper who 
can do this in your place.  I'd reccommend each day practicing  just the 
mounting.  Get up - wait a moment - get down.  Don't need to  ride anywhere - 
point is despooking practice.  Getting him used to the  concept there is no 
thing as the wrong side. 
That's one of the biggest mistakes equestrians make - the *horse* doesn't  
know there's a wrong side until the human allows him/her to develop a wrong  
I have a 3 yr old Shetland gelding - from the day he was born.  At 3.5  yrs - 
he was working birthday parties (for the smaller sized 1-2 yr olds).   This 
means - he knew what a saddle was, what a rider was, what running / yelling  / 
swings / etc was (party chaos, we call it).  He has never known that  he's 
not supposed to let anyone be mounted on one side - or that there is some  
reason he's not supposed to let me finger inside his ears / mouth / sheath  
etc.  Or that he's supposed to - even! - freak out is an ambulence is  
us just yards away.  (No kidding - this is not uncommon happening,  when we 
are working downtown back yard parties!)
Honestly - it's never too late or too early to get your Fjord fellow to  
accept anything you present to him!  It just takes time, persistent and  
Loki (my Fjord gelding) is 17 yrs old.  Although he's trained by the  McNabbs 
up in WY - it appears he's not really been through lengthy,  thorough de
spooking lessons in his life.  At his age, with his background -  he *should* 
far more accepting of basic chaos by now.  But he is not, I  am finding.  (I 
brought him home last June, only 3 months ago.)  So -  I am starting from 
with him - as his he were a weanling.  He's  going to get the whole shebang!  
  ;-)And I am  confident - if I do *my* part, in time, he'll be just as 
reliable as my 24 yr  old mare (who I've had for 8 yrs, and she too went 
through our despooking  system, *she* made it!;-)
The point there is - meant to be an encouragement - if 24 yr old Duchesse  
can be as near bomb proofed in her middle teens ... and I know Loki will get  
there too, with persistent training ... then you're young'un can easily be  
taught that there is no mystery about being mounted on the off side.  Or  
else that you work with him on.
You *can* do it! ;-)
...Well hope you can advise me about my kneeall comments  welcome
As for riding with a bad knee.  My injured right knee is sheer agony  after 
about 2 hrs (3 if I load up on Tylenol big time before hand).  So,  I'll kick 
off the stirrup and just let that leg hang for 15 or 20 mintues.   Sometimes 
flexing, stretching it, as I continue to ride along.  It helps  *so* much!  
And I don't have to get down and walk it out, or slow down any  of the other 
riders, either, that way. 
Hope that helps a little bit! ;-)
Happy trails!
Sher in Aurora, CO
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Riding with sore knees

2004-09-25 Thread Sue
This message is from: Sue [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was reading a few digests ago, about one of you having something wrong
with your knees. Well it must be catching. My left knee has an egg sized
lump, (dr. says its a Bakers cyst) on the back side of it. My knee is so
sore I can barely bend it or go down steps. I am to see an orthapedic
surgeon on the 15th of October. If I ride at all this fall, I fear I will
have to mount from the wrong side and not use a stirrip for that leg.
Anyone ever try getting on and riding this way? Wonder what my 3 year old
colt will think? Blasted knee...any of you have any idea what could have
caused this cyst to form?  I did not injure my knee that I know of, yet the
xray show no signs of osteoarthritis. The gp did say that the bones in my
knees had narrowedhe says as a result of getting older(I am 55). Do you
think I could bust the cyst if I ride??? I am really itching to get on again
and did not ask the dr. what he thought of me ridingI think he would say
no...but am open for suggestions and any ino you might have.

We went to the woods again on Thursday,  and the team yarded out 14 lengths
of hardwood. They are awsome.  We drove over in the wagon and I moaned and
groaned with my knee as I was doing the usuallugging the peevee and
holding the boys. *grin*
Well hope you can advise me about my kneeall comments welcome.
Sue in N.B. (Storm's and Peppin's mom)