Re: Since you asked....about the Libby Show

2000-09-16 Thread Starfire Farm, LLC
This message is from: "Starfire Farm, LLC" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ursula Jensen wrote:

> This message is from: "Ursula Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Lauriesince you asked about Libby let me tell you that you were sorely
> missed...whenever I was looking for a photographer he/she was not to be
> found...oh well, I'm hoping that 'someone' took a few pictures along the way
> and is willing to share...

Ditto that one, for me.  Your photographic skills were missed, Laurie.  Hope
you're doing well.

> Sunday was Obstacle Driving and there were enough entries to split the pairs
> and singles and we had a drive-off in the morning... Brian had the best time
> for the pairs but had a ball down so Orville Unrau took the pairs by
> fractions of sec.

Orville was driving a pair of three year old mares which had "been brought down
from the mountain" only one month prior (after Blue Earth.)  They were in
snaffle bits and were amazingly well matched.  I understand that both were very
green prior to coming off the mountain.  Well done, Orville!

I drove BDF John Arthur and BDF Magnum in their second go at a cones course,
ever.  They were great together.  Had a little difficulty with a short (5
meter?) serpentine, which we walked, but we went clean with a decent time.  I
thought that we had beaten Jeff Pederson with his pair (after Orville's 1st and
Brian's second place) but was informed, by Jeff, that  that he had, indeed,
driven better than I and had third place.  Now, Jeff and Lisa, where's the
proof?  ;-)   So, I may have to send my ribbon to Utah.  Sorry Jeff, that it was
already packed tight when you told me (yea, right  ;-)

John and Magnum took second place to Brian Jensen's pair in the Team Pleasure
driving.  I was very proud of the boys, as they had to work very hard and long
at the "extended trot."  They worked well together, for being a new team.  John
keeps trying to show Magnum how to do it.  Magnum is finally catching on.  Poor
Magnum was not only included in the team competition, he had to compete in Open
Western Pleasure (1st place,)  Open English Pleasure (5th place)  Single horse
pleasure driving (5th place)  and the Log Skid (1st place.)  Anyone, feel free
to correct me - it's all such a blurr.  There was some stiff competition in
the Log Skid.  Brian Jensen and I each touched a cone with our first horses, he
with Nejsa and me with John Arthur.  Pat Malloy and Allen Quimby both had
smokin' scores.  Then a raw rookie, Steve Gioia, did a great job with his mare,
Vind, but touched a cone.  Then along comes Brian with Sambar and a 37 second
run.  Well,  I was not expecting to have Magnum win in the Log Skid, as I had
intended to drive him carefully so as to not be eliminate by stepping out of the
boundary line (as we had in the Team Log Skid.)  So I just let Magnum go at his
own pace, but he was so "with me" during that run.  It was smooth, felt easy and
very slow.  I was amazed when they announced the time!  I don't think we'll be
able to do better.  As for the riding britches, well, we had so many tack
changes that I didn't have time to change from the previous class.  I expect to
see Brian in a full body suit next year.  Less wind resistance, eh?  Maybe one
of those new fangled Olympic swim suits?  Hm.  How would that look with
the loafers and the hat?   The win in the Log Skid cemented Magnum as the 2000
Versatility Award winner.  Boy am I proud of him!  He was such a trooper, never
asked me "why do we have to do this?"  He just says, "Okay, whatever you want."
He's such a wonderful boy.

John, in the meantime, took Sandy's mom, Sue, in the Novice Pleasure Driving,
where they placed third.  He also took my mom in the Fabulous Forties class,
where they won second place.

Lisa Pederson and I drove our pairs in the Ladies Cart class.  I think Lisa took
second place to Ursula's first?  Beautiful pair, beautifully driven.  Ursula
worked her "you know what" off to get her boy, Raynor, prepared for his classe.
She did a great job.  You'd hear a strong "clip clop clip clop"  of horse hooves
coming down the road, and, sure enough, it was Raynor burning off some of his
youthful energy.  It was great to see all of the pairs driving around
everywhere!  So much fun!  Then Brian with the Four, and of course, the
"whatchamacallit" hitch.  What a hoot!  Woody Hoopes was constantly lunging
three horses abreast to get ready for his classes.  And, oh yea, the Malloy's
daughter (I think she's eight years old) did an incredible job driving their
pair, in the buckboard, to win the junior driving class.  She could really drive
those horses!

There was an awful lot going on.  Our friend Cheryl Gioia won the Adult costume
class riding her mare Vind, who was wearing a refridgerator box painted like a
F(j)ORD car, complete with a fjord license plate and Firestone tires.  Her entry
was, of course "Have you driven a fjord lately?"  In the Kid's costume class the
Pearson's Toby had his very own cheering section f

Since you asked....about the Libby Show

2000-09-14 Thread Ursula Jensen
This message is from: "Ursula Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Lauriesince you asked about Libby let me tell you that you were sorely
missed...whenever I was looking for a photographer he/she was not to be
found...oh well, I'm hoping that 'someone' took a few pictures along the way
and is willing to share...

For those interested we had Sandy N. video the WHOLE Libby Show and the
PNFPG will have them available shortly (for a price) in it's
entirety...that's at least 6-8hrs of tapeonce we get the tape copied
onto VHS and boxed, Sarah Nagel will have them to sell for approx $50.

Now a little about some of the Libby Show happenings from our immediate
neighborhood.We were so busy with all the driving classes, that it is
always difficult to see the riding classes etc.
I debuted my young 4yr old stallion Penfrydds Raynor and was very unsure if
he would hold  together at his very first show and first time in the ring
with other horsesmy objective was not to have to excuse myself from a
class due to bad behavioras it turned out he made me very proud. The
Open Pleasure Driving class was huge (15) and had to be split.he made
the first cut and that was a thrill for mehe drove even better and
showed  a fine extended trot when asked.I also had a chance to really
show him well as there was plenty of room to move during the classI felt
good about the class and I had given it my best effortI was sure we
would be in the ribbons and felt good about that alone but ya never know how
others drive since you're usually concentrating on your own unitI was
totally EXTATIC when I won the class.WOW what a debutI WAS ONE HAPPY
Brian drove in the UNIQUE HITCH with surprisingly 3 other hitches this
year.Pat Malloy drove a 4-abreast, Woody Hoopes drove a 3-abreast and
Petersens entered a TandemBrian drove a 'Watch-A-Ma-Call-It'a Pair
at the wheel and the tandem out frontunique indeed.the judge came to
him after and said "whatever posessed you to do THAT?'he had practiced a
few times here at home and felt it was do-able.originally he wanted to
drive a Quadrum but we just had no time to try it at home.He won that
class and we all knew it was downhill from there. Brian took Sambar and
Nesja in the Team log skid and won that.There were two eliminations in that
class due to the new out-of-bounds restrictions (Pat Malloy and Beth Beymer)
Orville came second and Alan Quimbey  third.

Sunday was Obstacle Driving and there were enough entries to split the pairs
and singles and we had a drive-off in the morning... Brian had the best time
for the pairs but had a ball down so Orville Unrau took the pairs by
fractions of sec.
 I had a good run in the run-off and made the cut but had a slight brain
fade and crossed my own track in the finals hence was eliminated. Pilot
error and not the fault of the horse.
Brian won the Pairs Driving with our young boys Trinity's Stein and brother
Tinity's Sak. They are so well matched and always drive in unison,,,a real
pleasure to watch them.
P. Raynor and I won the Ladies  Cart class which again made me extremely
happy. This class was very difficult to drive as there never seemed to be
the space and room to show the horse as asked. It was obvious that the judge
was using the extended trot as an elimating factor and by Sunday most horses
were tired and much slower due to the heavy sand in the ring. I had
difficulty moving him out as well as the day before but did manage to get
'some' extention and hoped the judge had seen it.You all know that 'if
the judge didn't see it - it didn't happen '. I was worried that we would
break gait on the walk or he would not stand long enough for the
presentation but he certainly made me proud.
Two of Brian's Driving Vacation Students had it in for him this yearthey
were both wanting to beat him in the classes and both got their wish. Beth
Beymer pulled off an amazing 31 sec single log skid and placed first...(we
all know it was the low resistence of her riding breeches and I will now
have to buy Brian a pair for Christmas so he has half a chance at redeeming
himself.) and Pat Malloy placed 1st and  Brian 2nd  in the Draft Hitch
driving class (last driving class of the day) and was  thrilled about that.
All in all we came home with 6 blue ribbons 5 red ribbons and 2
yellow...After our 11 blue ribbons in 98 it would seem less of a showing but
the competition in Libby is getting fierce and the quality of stock and
ability and horsemanship is amazing.We were happy to have done so well. This
was the first year some of our offsprings were at Libby and it was a joy to
be able to share in their owners pride too as they collected their blue
ribbons . I know two babies will go to new homes this weekend.

Beth Beymer and Sandy North of Starfire Farm now own two horses with the
Versitility award...Congratulations and 'good -on-ya-girl' such a lot of
hard work

It was also great to meet n