This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Two geldings belonging to Paul Milton were here at the ranch for a 
little "single" schooling, over a year ago. One of them, Thomas,was
really acting wierd in the pasture one afternoon... he kept snorting 
loudly, his head held high and his body very tense. He was staring 
intently at a paint mare in the adjoining pasture. Kept it up for at 
least a 1/2 hour, and would "do it" any time the mare was near the 
pasture gate and he was being led out. Mare in question was a very sweet 
mare, not at all a witch. Go figger...Perhaps we should do a Rorsach 
(sp?) Test for fjords; just pin it up on the back of the barn & see what 
happens. *Warning* do not attempt this if hitched to a vehicle, or 
riding bareback, etc.
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