This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (BRIAN C JACOBSEN)


Sorry to be so slow in replying; There aren't enough hours in the day!

I got to travel to Norway one time with my grandfather, and that's the
trip where we picked out Valina.  Each of us three grandsons were 'given'
horses to take care of, and Valina was mine.  She quickly became my
favorite as she was so sweet and had a demure, almost fey look about her
face and eyes.

Sleipner was born on our ranch in Carbondale, CO  and was sold to Nona
Forrester in Rogue River, OR when he was one year old.  As you mentioned,
Sleipner's sire was Dragtind and his dam was Stina.  We liked the
combination of Dragtind X Stina very much, so much in fact that we still
have 2 of Sleipner's younger sisters on our farm.

The Forresters sold Valina, in foal to Sleipner, to a very nice older
couple in Arizona.  Valina gave birth to Vanja there.  I have a nice
picture the owners sent us of the two of them pulling a wagon when Vanja
was a little older.  When Vanja was four, the gentleman became aware of a
terminal condition he had, and when he was no longer able to take care of
them he sold Valina and Vanja back to my grandfather Harold.  

Vanja was then sold to some nice folks in Florida.  I actually thought
she was still there up until a few years ago, but apparently from what
Mike and Becky posted, she is evidently somewhere else now.  

The two horses in Lars' background that I am most familiar with are Grabb
and Lenda II.  Though we thought all the mares we imported from Norway
were beautiful, each in their own way, Lenda II to me was the most
beautiful.  My wife Barb and I saw her again 2 years ago at Ginny Cowles'
Los Trigos Ranch in New Mexico and she was still breathtaking.  At 16
years old, she had a two-day-old-foal by her side, and you would have had
a hard time convincing anyone she was over 6 or 8 years old.  I believe
Ginny featured her in an ad in the Herald approx. 1-1/2 to 2 years ago. 
Grabb you have heard about as I have posted bits and pieces about him

After that, I was off at college so I'm not as familiar with Ljosa and

As your Solveig has a double dose of Dragtind, (he's on the top and the
bottom of her pedigree), I'm sure she is a very beautiful and talented

Again, sorry to be slow.

Brian Jacobsen

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