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Frodo has been retired to very good friends of  mine's little farm where he 
is living like the Prince we all know he is. He was  a "Hobbit"  pony before 
most had ever heard of Tolkien (I had read all the  books at age 8.
       I truly wish I had a camera with  me the first day when 10 baby goats 
gathered around his big feet. They looking  up and up at him and him looking 
down at them each trying to figure out what the  heck the others were.
    Frodo who is actually a fjord/arab cross from the group  Finn Casperson 
bred for Four in Hand Competition is 25 now and worked  continuously in our 
Therapeutic Riding Program from the age of three. He also  worked in the "able 
bodied" program for almost that long. He's done everything  from Special 
Competitions (where we had a helicopter land right in front  of us - not a 
hestitation on his part) to Prelim fences at Fair Hill to one of  the best 
horses for backriding we have ever had. On our drill team of  mainstreamed 
(both challenged and not so challenged) he performed at  the Capital Center 
with the Vienna Lipizzans, the Baltimore Open Jumper  Classsic, Fair Hill Races 
and on the Mall in Washington DC in front of the  President.
    Frodo and I were buddies from Day One when I was just  fascinated by his 
unique coloring and unflappable attitude - he used to come  running when I 
called him. I visit him frequently and he comes to the fence to  say hi with 
trail of young goats.
                 Robyn in MD

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