This message is from: "Bossmare" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I presently have a two-horse herd, one Morgan mare (7 y.o.) and one Fjord
mare, (12 y.o.).  It's looking more and more likely that I may have to
euthanize the Morgan mare due to chronic laminitis and a metabolic problem
with insulin.  After I bought my first Fjord mare last year I was very
interested in getting a second one but since, to be honest, my horses are my
pets and don't do much of anything, I resisted the impulse.

Now however I am looking for that special Fjord mare because the one I have
will desperately need a playmate and companion.  Even now I have to keep the
two mares separated because the Morgan has a lot of trouble getting around and
the Fjord likes to herd her.  So neither one is happy and you all know how we
like to have happy horses.

I've had horses for 30 years, have 5 grandkids and we have our own farm.  I'm
looking for a pretty mare, not drafty, at least 14 hands, between 5 and 10
years old and must be sound and healthy.  I would give preference to a safe
driving horse.  The mare I have now rides but does not drive and it doesn't
look as if I will be doing much riding due to a bad back.  Advanced training
is not necessary but mare should have had proper handling, have good manners
and a gentle quiet temperament, no bad habits (in or out of the stall) etc.
and be good around kids and dogs and at least green broke to saddle and

There have been discussions here about the prices of horses.  I have my own
opinions on that subject.  Supply and demand, how much one wants to buy vs.
how much someone needs to sell etc.  It's like art work.  Impossible to really
set a true value.  But to keep things realistic here my budget for this mare
would be around $10K delivered to New Jersey.

Please email with photos if possible if you have such a mare for sale.

Lois Berenyi

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