Re: West Nile vaccine reactions / prices / frequency?

2003-03-28 Thread GAIL RUSSELL
This message is from: GAIL RUSSELL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My vet in Sonoma County CA just came out to give the second injection to a
neighbor's horse.  She said there have been confirmed West Nile infections
in horses 11 months out from vaccineso now they are recommending every
six months.

The cost was $28 plus call charge of $30but we split the call charge
between a bunch of horses.

At 11:54 PM 3/27/2003 EST, you wrote:
>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>We had our five horses vaccinated for WNV last year and they each were given 
>two injections, 3 weeks apart.  The price was $25.00 per injection.
>They will be given their booster this year.
>Rondi Tyler.
>So. Calif.

Re: West Nile vaccine reactions / prices / frequency?

2003-03-27 Thread NordicKees
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We had our five horses vaccinated for WNV last year and they each were given 
two injections, 3 weeks apart.  The price was $25.00 per injection.
They will be given their booster this year.

Rondi Tyler.
So. Calif.

Re: West Nile vaccine reactions / prices / frequency?

2003-03-27 Thread RkyMtnTrls
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"> The vet is also talking about doing the horses again in August.  Have 
> people given the thrid shot?  Is it necessary?..."

Here, I'm hearing different answers, from different vets.  I'm hearing if 
they had their first time ever WNV shot last fall, with the booster 3 weeks 
later, then this spring they just need one shot.  I'm hearing that they need 
a second shot this fall -- but also hearing they only need one shot once a 
year for followup.   

Re: West Nile vaccine reactions / prices / frequency?

2003-03-27 Thread RkyMtnTrls
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello -

Wow!!  The vets all over here (around the Denver/DIA area) are telling us 
(the horse owners) that it is!  No kidding - I've had 4 vets tell me that, 
when I called around this Spring, right after hearing that Dr.Rice retired 
(my former vet, retired this winter.)

How much did you have to pay per shot for your serum, if you don't mind my 
asking?  I have 5 to take care of (3 ponies, 2 old horses) -- and with a herd 
that size, well, I try to save where I can (and put that savings back into 
hay, etc!!)  Who's your vet, if I may ask?  I would very much like to order 
some syrum from him/her, especially if it'll help save a good bit.  The vet 
who's replacing Dr. Rice, is charging $19.50 per shot for WNV, and I just 
learned that if you have 5 or more horses to care for, she waives the trip 
fee to come to our place.  Don't know if I can get the shots for any less 
than that  but it never hurts to ask!   (If that's about what your vet 
would charge, then I'll just stick with her - since she's up in this area and 

Thanks for letting me know that I've been told wrong --- I try to keep 
current on horse news, and I did call 4 vets with the same answer, so thought 
it was the truth!  Thanks again,


> From a list member in central Colorado (name left out to respect privacy) 
> "...It is NOT illegal in Colorado for your vet to sell you the WNV. On the 
> contrary, it is now LEGAL to sell to the public. I have 6 of em in my 
> refridge right now!!! Paid $20 ea"

Re: West Nile vaccine reactions / prices / frequency?

2003-03-26 Thread Alison Bakken
This message is from: Alison Bakken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I did my herd with the first dose of the WNV.  No reactions.  The
vaccine cost me $28.00 a dose, the vet needed a list of the horses,
ages, descriptions and names. I gave the shots myself.  More than I was
hoping to pay.  The vet is also talking about doing the horses again in
August.  Have people given the thrid shot?  Is it necessary?

Alison Bakken
Sundre, Alberta
I think spring is here.  The geese have arrived, the trees are starting
to make pussy willows.

Re: West Nile vaccine reactions / prices / frequency?

2003-03-26 Thread Holly Tuck
This message is from: Holly Tuck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just gave our girls their first shots, booster to
follow in three weeks.  It ended up being $25.00
Canadian per horse.  I don't consider this a bad deal.
 As it stands right now we will booster only in the
spring time after this year.
Holly from Manitoba

Post your free ad now!

Re: West Nile vaccine reactions?

2003-03-26 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 3/25/2003 12:30:54 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

> Has anybody witnessed or heard of horses having bad reactions to the West
> Nile Vaccine?

More importantly, is there any proof of the vaccine's effectiveness? 

Brigid Wasson
SF Bay Area, CA";>Our 

Re: West Nile vaccine reactions / prices / frequency?

2003-03-26 Thread RkyMtnTrls
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

None of my ponies (3) or my horse have had a bad reaction to the WNV shots.  
Have not heard of any negative reactions here, in Colorado U.S.

Last fall, when WN did hit our area (several horses within a 75 mile radius 
of where I live vet confirmed got it).  My vet sold me the syrums at $19.50 
per shot (times 8, since I had to give a second booster shot 3 weeks after 
the first time ever shot.)  Last Fall, I was allowed to buy them from him -- 
but he retired this winter -- and now can not find a vet who'll sell you the 
syrum to do your own shots (it's now illegal here).  So, the new vet (Dr. 
Sanders in eastern Brighton, U.S.) charges a "ranch call" which is normal 
around here, that is $30 to come to my place, plus $19.50 per horse/pony for 
her to give the shot.  This Spring, since they all got shots last Fall, she 
said they only need one shot for the Spring.  Some vets are saying vacinate 
once a year, some are saying twice a year (Spring & Fall).   Many people here 
are not vaccinating at all -- but since my working ponies especially, travel 
so much (every weekend in the warm months) I feel they are in high risk 
exposure, plus as a responcible owner, I owe it to the areas *they* come in 
contact with.  Likewise, my own horses (a second one, a Morgan, just came 
home to us last night!!)  will also get their WNV shots.  I will likely 
vaccinate once a year in the Spring -- unless I see enough evidence around 
here that it's needed twice a year.

The $19.50 is in U.S. dollars -- it seems that $30 per shot is really 
gouging!  There is one vet I know of here who was trying to charge $30 per 
shot, plus mandatory ranch call (would not allow you to go to his office) - 
so last Fall, his client was stuck paying $30 first shot, $30 booster, $30 
trip fee $90 per horse!!!  Outrageous.  I'm a "shopper" and felt there is 
not reason that I had to be rooked like that - so I called around and found 
another vet.  It's ok that I can not get the syrum anymore -- I still pay the 
same price from the new vet, plus she's doing the shot herself.  When it 
comes to Spring 5way shots - heck, for years I have bought those from the 
local co-op store (farmer's supplier) for around $12.00 and done the shots 
myself (was vet taught to do it right).  I do my own worming, etc.  It's only 
one shot a year that I have to call the vet out to do it - the WNV - so 
that's not too ugly on the wallet.  (grin!)

Sorry to hear the vets in Alaska are rooking you folks so much!   I mentioned 
the prices with U.S. dollars ... just wondering ... how is the WNV shot fees 
for you folks up in Canada?  Know a lot of you are here on this list ... so 
just curious.   :-)

Pony Party Rides, Face Painting, Balloon Animals, Games
Fjord cartoons painted on shirts, ballcaps
3 new cartoons coming out in just a week!
> From Fjord list:  "...Here in Fairbanks, Alaska...people are debating 
> whether to give the West Nile Shots this year.  One
> vet has been pushing it aggressively, stating that she won't treat your 
> horse unless you get the WNV shots.  $30 per shot. recommends 3 
> horse Washington state...witnessed horses having bad 
> reactions...Those here with a large number of horses can't see the point of 
> spending $60+ per horse to get shots that may never be needed...So the jury 
> is out! What to do?..."

Re: West Nile vaccine reactions?

2003-03-26 Thread Fhtrp
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As one of the barns in the study or rather the conditional trial basis last 
spring on West Nile etc. - our vet innoculated all the critters. Youngest was 
3 months old - the oldest almost 40 years old - almost 40 were given the 
series of shots. Also every breed covered from Miniature Horse to Hanoverian 
to Fjord to Belgian cross etc.
Not a single one had a reaction of any sort that I could document and I 
did TPR's etc. on all for 2 weeks (what a pain). No swellings, skin changes 
The biggest reason for us agreeing to this was we had one of the school 
horses come down with Potomac Horse Fever the summer before and the vet bill 
when it was all said and done was almost $2500 (with a discount since we are 
a Therapeutic Riding Program). 
  Since the care would be real similar if one came down with WNV - I 
decided it would be much cheaper and easier on me if all were innoculated 
even at $60 per horse.
I will do WNV and PHF again this year and as much as I hate to do it add 
the Strangles shot too. 
Haven't read all the posts about this so hope I am not repeating what 
someone else says. Took my nephew back to his ship (the Eisenhower) yesterday 
in Newport News, VA and then drove home (600 miles round trip) so very tired 
and achy today. Felt terrible leaving him - he's just barely 18 - still my 
little buddy (wouldn't say that to him). The average age of the sailors 
assigned to the "Ike" is 19 and a half - so young. I will post all the 
details about the Trail Ride/Rideathon/Driveathon when I get a chance to type 
them out.
 Robyn in MD  (with 2 daffodils blooming)

Re: West Nile vaccine reactions?

2003-03-25 Thread Jon A. Ofjord

This message is from: "Jon A. Ofjord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 08:51 AM 3/25/2003 -0900, you wrote:

This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Has anybody witnessed or heard of horses having bad reactions to the West
Nile Vaccine?

Jean - None of our horses that were vaccinated last year (about 14 total, 
including boarders) had reactions to the WNV vaccine.  Last year they all 
had the initial shot and the booster 4 weeks later.  WNV is probably in 
this county and Minnesota was particularly hard hit last year with 
somewhere close to 1000 cases.  I don't know the stats on how many of those 
were vaccinated or not, nor how many died.

Here in Fairbanks, Alaska, in the Interior of Alaska many of the horse
peoople are debating whether to give the West Nile Shots this year.

General thought from the "Outside" if to definitely give the shot. It's 
spreading rapidly.  I just read the statistics on the number of cases on 
the rise over the last couple years, and it's scarey.

WNV shots.  $30 per shot.

Down here is runs about $20 per shot.

recommends 3 shots.

You have a lot of mosquitos up there.  Here, the recommended dosage is two 
to begin, and an annual this year - unless we have a heavy concentration of 
mosquitos and a wet summer - then may get a second shot later on.

Another vet doesn't think it will come to Alaska as he thinks infected
birds will die before they arrive on migration.He will give the shots, but
doesn't think it is necessary.

Huh? Don't think I want to have him/her doctoring on my animals.
 So the jury is out! What to do?

This year, along with the Four-Way, and Coggins, we are requiring our 
boarders to get WNV shots if they want to continue to board here.  Our own 
horses will have them too, of course.

Mary Ofjord
North Coast Fjords
Grand Marais, Minnesota

Re: west nile vaccine reactions?

2003-03-25 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Jean,

I just went to an equine health discussion, given by one of our local vets.
We discussed all vaccines.  He told us there had been NO reports of reactions 
to this vaccine.of course this was about 4 weeks ago.  (he'd just been 
out to a vet convention recently too, where this was a topic)  He said only 2 
doses needed to be given to start with.  I have my bill in front of me from 
last years vaccines, and I paid $14 per shot for the west nile.   We are in 
Maine, if that helps any.


Re: West Nile Vaccine Reactions?

2003-03-25 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: West Nile vaccine reactions?

2003-03-25 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jean I have given a series of three shots to my three @ $19.50 each.  First
two were in Sept and Oct.  Then just had boosters. Absolutely no reactions.
Last shot was given with an EPM shot and no reactions.  My big horse reacts
to the least twinge.  But no problems.  Your Vets charge a lot.   Jean

Jean Walters Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
Author:The Colonel's Daughter
$20 PO Box 104
Montesano, WA 98563

RE: West Nile vaccine reactions?

2003-03-25 Thread The Mercers
This message is from: "The Mercers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My mare, Reina, had a mild reaction to the first injection but no
reaction to the second injection.  I gave the injection in the neck and
there was some heat and swelling at the site but it was gone after a
week and no abscess formed.

Reina also has had the same reaction to the Ft. Dodge Rhino/Flu vaccine
so it may be her systems response and not the WNV vaccine.

Gayle Ware will be giving her the vaccines/WNV booster this month and in
a different location so we'll see if she has a reaction this time.

So far, Reina's was the only reaction my vet had seen.

As far as the birds dying before they reach Alaska - don't count on it.
As a falconer and raptor rehabilitator I can tell you that birds can be
carriers without dying.  Last year was horrific and we're not looking
forward to the guaranteed spread of WNV this year.

Taffy Mercer

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jean Ernest
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 9:51 AM
Subject: West Nile vaccine reactions?

This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Has anybody witnessed or heard of horses having bad reactions to the
Nile Vaccine?

Here in Fairbanks, Alaska, in the Interior of Alaska many of the horse
peoople are debating whether to give the West Nile Shots this year.  One
vet has been pushing it aggressively, stating that she won't treat your
horse unless you get the WNV shots.  $30 per shot. recommends 3 shots. 
Another vet doesn't think it will come to Alaska as he thinks infected
birds will die before they arrive on migration. He will give the shots,
doesn't think it is necessary. Also charges $30 per shot. 
Another vet who sort of does his own thing, the "bush vet" (he travels
to the remote villages and is generaly much cheaper than the other vets,
they tried to run him out) will charge only $22/shot but doesn't think
is necessary to do it this year. 

Then, one horse owner said that she was at one barn in Washington state
where she witnessed horses having bad reactions from the WNV shots.  She
got the shots anyway because she uses the vet who woldn't treat her
unless she got the shots.  

Those here with a large number of horses can't see the point of spending
$60+ per horse to get shots that may never be needed.  Others worry
bad reactions to the shots.  So the jury is out! What to do?

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, sunny days but cold nights..+30 today.
Ravens have been picking up gobs of Fjord hair and flying off with it to
their nests.

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

Re: West Nile vaccine reactions?

2003-03-25 Thread Marsha Jo Hannah
This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Has anybody witnessed or heard of horses having bad reactions to the West
> Nile Vaccine?
> [...]
> Another vet doesn't think it will come to Alaska as he thinks infected
> birds will die before they arrive on migration.
> [...]
> Then, one horse owner said that she was at one barn in Washington state
> where she witnessed horses having bad reactions from the WNV shots.
> [...]
> Those here with a large number of horses can't see the point of spending
> $60+ per horse to get shots that may never be needed.

It's going to be interesting to see where WNV does and doesn't crop
up.  One vet here in town is urging everyone to vaccinate everything.
Another has privately confided that he doubts WNV will actually become
a serious problem here.  He notes that canine heartworm (also spread
by mosquitos) is rampant in surrounding counties, but not here.  No
idea why (we certainly do have mosquitos); it's just one of those
oddities.  Time will tell

FWIW, my donkey (Shadow) is on a schedule of minimal vaccinations,
because years ago, she started reacting to the rhino-flu shots.  Both
of her parents had had similar reactions, which got worse with each
subsequent shot, i.e. it seemed to be a building allergy problem.  My
vet at the time recommended only vaccinating Shadow for "things we
can't cure", like tetanus and sleeping sickness (to which she does not

Last fall, when the Oregon state vet suddenly started recommending the
shots, Shadow and my 2 Fjord geldings got the 2-shot WNV "starter"
vaccinations.  None of them showed any reaction to either shot (other
than Rom being of his normal opinion that all needles are deadly).
IMHO, if Miss Reactive didn't have a problem, I doubt others will.
We've got an appointment in about a week for boosters.

The thing is, by the time you know for sure that your equines NEED the
shots (because local birds or horses are dropping dead from it), it's
too late to get them.  Think of it as insurance---something that you
pay for, then hope you don't need!

Marsha Jo HannahMurphy must have been a horseman--
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   anything that can go wrong, will!
15 mi SW of Roseburg, Oregon

West Nile vaccine reactions?

2003-03-25 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Has anybody witnessed or heard of horses having bad reactions to the West
Nile Vaccine?

Here in Fairbanks, Alaska, in the Interior of Alaska many of the horse
peoople are debating whether to give the West Nile Shots this year.  One
vet has been pushing it aggressively, stating that she won't treat your
horse unless you get the WNV shots.  $30 per shot. recommends 3 shots. 
Another vet doesn't think it will come to Alaska as he thinks infected
birds will die before they arrive on migration. He will give the shots, but
doesn't think it is necessary. Also charges $30 per shot. 
Another vet who sort of does his own thing, the "bush vet" (he travels out
to the remote villages and is generaly much cheaper than the other vets, so
they tried to run him out) will charge only $22/shot but doesn't think it
is necessary to do it this year. 

Then, one horse owner said that she was at one barn in Washington state
where she witnessed horses having bad reactions from the WNV shots.  She
got the shots anyway because she uses the vet who woldn't treat her horses
unless she got the shots.  

Those here with a large number of horses can't see the point of spending
$60+ per horse to get shots that may never be needed.  Others worry about
bad reactions to the shots.  So the jury is out! What to do?

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, sunny days but cold nights..+30 today.
Ravens have been picking up gobs of Fjord hair and flying off with it to
their nests.

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska