Re: When Magic Happens!

1999-12-07 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What a great Post about Michael and  Sean.  I have a Michael too, and even 
though he would  be embarrassed by my writing this,  he deserves it , oh 
well,  wives can do these things.
My Mike rode horses at camps as a kid, and that was the extent of it., About 
8 years ago  Mike was crushed by a log and is now partially  paralized from 
the waist down,.  The daily pain, and struggle can be alot some days.   BUT
now that he has more time at home with his family,  he has found riding , a 
true joy that he can do.  Not easily, and it took a few horses, to find one 
that he could stay on, and that was gentle enough,  (gripping with his knees 
isnt possible).  We found FJORDS.  They have  the temparament he needs 
and the heighth and wide back.  Its amazing that he has found something he 
truly enjoys, through a life changing accident.  But you just never know, 
what life has in store for you, so GRAB THE REINS AND HANG ON

The one thing we need to teach our other Fjords  is how to neck rein,  does 
anyone have any ideas on how to do that,  or is that left to the 

Mike and Michele Noonan
Stevensville, Montana

Where its finally SNOWING

When Magic Happens

1999-12-07 Thread SUSAN L GIARGIARI
This message is from: "SUSAN L GIARGIARI" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This is the story of the perfect Fjord whose name just happens to be Sean.
Sean is the son of LLA Hilmar and SF Sunday. He is with out a doubt near
perfect; balance, looks, temperament. He was also the proud owner of Anne &
Don Sullivan. Anne had come to our place and watched him do his magic on a
stack of logs, in and out the escape door of our trailer. He was just four
month at that time. Sean also did a few of John Lyons moves for her. This
should be the end, but wait, after quite a long time and much handling our
good friend Ann was told she had best her things in order for her time(here)
had all but run out. She had to make some real hard choices and fast, Ann
knowing how much I loved Sean, returned him to me with her blessings.
 It was at just this time that all the Fjord people from here were on
their way to KY. for Equitana USA. After being their for a day  we were
getting ready to practice at the out door arena, and while I was waiting,
there was a man in the arena riding a huge quarter horse. At first I thought
nothing of it but then something made me look really close at them both.
This man was tied to his horse in a western saddle with a tall back (to say
the least, no room for error). I started to leave but kept being drawn back
and the longer I stayed the more I had to try and  talk to this fellow, as
you who know me  know I say what I think, don't pull punches and let
everything fall where it may, so I went into the ring and called this fellow
over, asked if I might make a date to talk with him later. This was done.
 The man's name is Michael Richardson. We talked for quite sometime and
made an agreement to talk in three days. As those in the booth with me know,
I tried to talk to every person in a wheel chair.  The question was always
BY YOURSELF WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO TRY IT?" Many people looked at me as if
I were nuts. One or two also said "why didn't I try sitting in their place"
, they were angry. I asked them if Michael were to show them, would they be
willing to try? Everything changed at that very moment: I believe it's
because Michael is one of them. The difference is, he has a reason to get up
every single day.
Michael and I talked again.  We made things happen and he now owns Sean. as
I told Michael, it will be hard for the kids not to love this little Fjord!
The first thing you see is a perfect heart on his nose , he is not too
big,and he has perfect eye shadow, from across the field he screams I LOVE
YOU with just a look. For sure this is just the beginning of the story of
Michael & Sean with Gods speed they will they will help a lot of people to
see the beauty of our Fjords horses.
Now I would like to thank all who sent their best, and offers of help to me
and mine.I'll get better and my heart will heal just fine.God is not through
with me just,but when He is that is fine also,
 May God bless an keep you all
Richard Giargiari

Re: When Magic Happens!

1999-12-06 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What a wonderful story!  You will never know how many people you have helped, 
first with courage and self esteem, and physically, by donating this sweet 
horse to this man.  As a mother of a disabled child, I will send some prayers 
in your name that you and your fjords will be blessed. 

Does Michael have an email address?  It would be great if he could join this 
list, as a new owner of a fjord.  He'd have some special imput to this group, 
I'm certain.


Re: When Magic Happens!

1999-12-06 Thread Joanna Crell
This message is from: Joanna Crell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

God bless you Richard and Susan , for doing something so wonderful not only
once but again. In sending Sean out into the world with a brave, bold
partner, you are inspiring children and adults to reach for their dreams.
You have given the gift of empowerment. The spirits that our beloved fjords
embody are friendship and freedom. We send you peace and healing energy. 
The Folger family 
Joanna Crell - David Folger
Willowind Therapeutic Horseback Riding Center
Phone & FAX (207) 288-9506

When Magic Happens!

1999-12-06 Thread SUSAN L GIARGIARI
This message is from: "SUSAN L GIARGIARI" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This a story about Sean "The Fjord of Fjords" :
   To start with, Sean was born to Felicity Farm in Peterborough, N.H. He is
the son of LLA Hilmar and SF Sunday. Sunday is the pride of the farm. She
will do any chore that is asked of her and loves people.
   We received a call from a woman who had seen the flyer about the Foal
Raffle to help Ceacy at Penfrydd Farm with her vet bills from the botulism
that she lost 5 of her beloved Fjords to. Anne made a donation and then
couldn't wait to see if she won. She came to see our Fjords, saw Sean and
now you can guess what happened next!  Sean was sold to Anne Sullivan at a
young age and was loved to death by her and Don, her husband. Ann spent so
much time with him that Sean would do anything she asked of him in one or
two trys, even the things that she was told it would be impossible to do. It
was so great to see the love between them. Things went bad when a doctor
told Ann that she should make plans for dying.The first thing done was a
call to us with  a story of hurt and fear about her beloved Sean, in a flash
he was ours again;by her magnificent child she gave to me knowing how much I
loved him.That should have been the end of this story but fate stepped in
and took over.
   When all the Fjord people went to Equitana  USA and were getting to do a
workout; there was a man in the workout area. As I watched this person doing
his riding I thought how simple he looked. Then and only then did I see that
he had no bridle on the horse at almost the same time I also saw that he was
tied to his horse by ropes. He sometimes uses two whips to quide  his horse
to where he wants him to go.  He is paralyzed from the waist down from a
auto accident at 15. His western saddle has a high back to keep his body
upright in the saddle. First thought, he is nuts! Second, he is trying to
kill himself, so in my own way I got him to come to the fence and talk for a
short time. We set up a time to meet later that day. When the meeting time
came, (you must know me to understand how I talk and what I say, never one
to pull a punch,) I  told Michael that his horse would make most people
afraid of it because of its size and that I had the perfect horse that I
would donate to him, if he would work at least some of the time with kids
that could not use their  legs. We talked a long time. He came over and
looked our horses over, we made our deal and now Michael Richardson is the
new owner of the perfect Fjord Sean. Michael has just gotten sponsored by
Purina and has been doing clinics and maybe we will all get to see him in
the Northeast someday!
  Michael teaches us and others that God's spirit can put us in a new
world, ,that our horses are really magic, that if we put things together
right, there is a reason to get up everyday. When I see a person in a Wheel
chair I've often wondered, if given the chance, would they try to harness a
horse by themself and go for a drive. After talking to Michael to see if he
would do something like this, I asked everyone in a chair that came by our
booth if they would if I told them they could, (lets say that more than a
few looked up at me and replied," It's easy to say from there!"). So I said
if he told you,you could,  would you believe him? You had best believe the
smiles came and the answer YES also came.
I do believe that GOD is great and he takes you where you need to go,
which brings me to thanking you all for your good wishes. Just think he put
Sean, Don & Ann, then Micheal into my life just when I needed rest and piece
in my life the most.
Thank you all again and if anyone would like to help Michael know
Fjords,  they might  send him free books or tapes on our fine horses. I lent
him my copy of "How to Trim the Mane" as he was wanting to make sure Sean
will be a good representative of the breed in public. Michael will use Sean
and when the little people or big people in those chairs see the perfect
heart on the end of his nose and his eye shadow, see the depth of this horse
in his eyes, they'll be in love and there will be no fear to let the healing
 Love and Thanks!   Richard